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Posted: 22/07/2004 - 23:11
by StarshipUK

Do any of the bands playing allow taping, or is this banned from this event?


Posted: 23/07/2004 - 7:02
by Zzapback
good question! I like to know too, before bringin along all my media-recording stuff all the way from Holland. :wink:

Posted: 23/07/2004 - 7:30
by Chris Abbott
The event will be streamed over Slay Radio: why not get a friend to record it for you?

Having the audience sitting there with video cameras and tape recorders would just be offputting. There were people who missed the best bits of BIT Live Brighton because they were busy watching it on a camcorder viewfinder. I kind of wonder if it was worth it...

So, the answer is: please don't. The good stuff will be released later anyway in much better quality than you could record, some of it for free (but most of it on the DVD).


Posted: 23/07/2004 - 7:57
by Vosla
Chris Abbott wrote:The event will be streamed over Slay Radio: why not get a friend to record it for you? [...]
- How to record it without much hassle?
- What tools to use?

Loopback over my soundcard is not an option because it seriously f**** up the recording quality...

Posted: 23/07/2004 - 8:30
by Chris Abbott
Some soundcards allow "record what u hear" (creative labs, for instance), which makes a digital copy from the output. Other than that, loopback or recording to a separate piece of equipment.


Posted: 23/07/2004 - 8:31
by Chris Abbott
Or there might be some player that can stream MP3 radio channels and record them. I'm sure I saw one somewhere, but I couldn't get it to work.


Posted: 23/07/2004 - 8:31
by merman


Posted: 23/07/2004 - 8:33
by tas
yeah, worked a treat on my wallpaper ;)

Posted: 23/07/2004 - 9:08
by Chappers
Tas wrote:yeah, worked a treat on my wallpaper ;)
It's all I can do to hold my sides together....... :wink:

Is this the kind of material you inflicted on Glyn, Dan, Makke etc. at Brighton? :)


Posted: 23/07/2004 - 9:18
by StarshipUK
Thanks for the info. Rather than running a Video Cam, I was thinking more along the lines of bringing my small Core Sound Binaural mic's ( and sony minidisc recorder, leaving it somewhere near the soundboard (Would not ask for a soundboard feed-I don't like soundboard feeds! They can't capture a live event!), and just changing discs on it every 80 minutes. These little mics are amazing. If anybody is interested in some recordings I have made with them (I have Jefferson Starship, Country Joe and the Fish and will be taping a Hot Tuna concert in London next week), please let me know.

But I can understand what you mean about these objects being obstructive. I attend alot of Jefferson Starship concerts, and they allow taping as long as we don't get our equipment in the way of the audience or annoy any of the audience. Perhaps you could sell a few higher priced tickets which allow taping (Non-Video Camera) privaledges, with seats nearer the soundboard, or ailse seats?


Posted: 23/07/2004 - 9:40
by Chris Abbott
I dunno, I think there's too much going on in the soundboard section (which is in the balcony, BTW), without there being a host of other stuff up there too. The PA people would get pretty irritated by that.

I can see why putting the mics there would work. Perhaps we can come to an arrangement where (a) you only use the recording for personal use, and (b) we get to use the recording. Might come in handy to add live feel back into the DVD.

Skitz, what do you think? (Skitz da man!)


Posted: 23/07/2004 - 10:22
by tas
Paul Chapman wrote:
Tas wrote:yeah, worked a treat on my wallpaper ;)
It's all I can do to hold my sides together....... :wink:

Is this the kind of material you inflicted on Glyn, Dan, Makke etc. at Brighton? :)

nah, they are subject to much worse :)

Posted: 23/07/2004 - 10:47
by skitz
Chris Abbott wrote:Skitz, what do you think? (Skitz da man!)
I am indeed a man last time I checked :oops:

Right, I personally have no problem with having a mic and a minidisc player next to me in the FoH position but it will not pickup such a good recording from so far back in the theatre. We will have at least one crowd mic on the stage pointing out towards the audience so this will pick up the ambience in the room.

My only suggestion is if you want to do this is to place it next to the monitor mixing position which will be right next to the stage but again this will probably not pick up too much of the audio as it will be behind the speaker system.

You can come see me on the night if you like - I'll be the one pulling what is left of my hair out! :wink:

Posted: 23/07/2004 - 13:32
by Makke
skitz wrote:You can come see me on the night if you like - I'll be the one pulling what is left of my hair out! :wink:
Is this where I say "As long as you stick to pulling that we'll all be fine"? :wink:

Posted: 23/07/2004 - 22:12
by Chappers
Makke wrote:
skitz wrote:You can come see me on the night if you like - I'll be the one pulling what is left of my hair out! :wink:
Is this where I say "As long as you stick to pulling that we'll all be fine"? :wink:
I think quite a few people on here are going to have the same thoughts on saying that. My money's on Tas (apart from yourself obviously). :D

Mind you, I'll grab the mic for this one if no-one else will..... :)
