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Things to avoid when doing audio for a game...

Posted: 23/07/2004 - 19:47
by Rafael Dyll
Fellow musicians (and everyone else really),

Just in case you're busy doing voice overs for a game right now, make sure to check this out and hence avoid a terrible mistake...

Madde me chuckle a lot, especially the Resident Evil stuff.


Posted: 23/07/2004 - 20:51
by Vosla
:D Thanks for reminding me of this site.
BTW.: Had done some "voice acting" (the swearing contest) for DHS and never heard again of the project... :wink:

Posted: 23/07/2004 - 23:58
by Infamous
ok alltogether kids -

directors cut -

idiot 1 - im gonna find out what caused forests death.. it looks like he was killed by a crow or something

player - OK... Go outside stand still and hold this sign that says " i am a bloody moron, i ask questions and then answer them in the same sentence please kill me in the most violent and bloody fashion involving many blunt impliments and fire.. lots of fire." and come back when you discover what caused forests death with the crows... moron.

idiot 1 - i like swords.

Posted: 24/07/2004 - 7:58
by Vosla
Sounds like an everydays conversation at the place they held m...errr... I worked at. :shock:

Stupid: "Hey, what's this?! Looks like a scalpel!" (grabs a scalpel out of my pencil case)
Me: "Keep your fingers off!" (looks angry)
Stupid: "It's pretty sharp, isn't it?" (takes off protective cap and mimicks Erol Flynn)
Me: "Put it down!" (jerks away from stupid, looking VERY angry)
Stupid: "OWW! This f***ing...DAMMIT!" (has cut himself and throws away the scalpel which hits the floor and breaks)
Me: "MORON!" (is about to snap stupids' neck. That was an expensive scalpel)
Stupid: "I got to see a doctor! And a lawyer!" (weeps and creeps away)
Me: "..."

(If you wonder why I had a scalpel at work: I use it with paperwork...and sometimes I would like to use it on a certain kind of people :twisted: )

Posted: 24/07/2004 - 14:49
by Maindrian
Heh, Resident Evil was laugh a minute stuff.

"What? What is this?"
"What is it?"
"Blood. I hope this is not Chris' blood."
"What is it?"

Silent Hill was good too. Harry sounds like he's on drugs.

"Hmm... School. She's at the school."

Whoa man! She might be! Trippy.

Posted: 24/07/2004 - 20:28
by ifadeo
Vosla wrote:Sounds like an everydays conversation at the place they held m...errr... I worked at. :shock:

(If you wonder why I had a scalpel at work: I use it with paperwork...and sometimes I would like to use it on a certain kind of people :twisted: )
ahh, the good old scalpel, i use one from martor... and yes they are sharp... :twisted:

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 26/07/2004 - 17:48
by ProgZmax
I personally think that part of what made resident evil so popular was the bad dialogue. Everything about the game reeked b-movie horror, and I know that is what made me like it (I'm big into b-grade horror like Night of the Living Dead).

Posted: 26/07/2004 - 23:34
by Vosla
It's a long way from Night of the Living Dead (original) to Resident Evil with a media and audience switch. Most of that horror film addicts can't use a console game or computer but Resident Evil might lure them into trying. :wink:

Posted: 27/07/2004 - 8:44
by merman
All your base are belong to us!

Posted: 27/07/2004 - 14:17
by Vosla
merman wrote:All your base are belong to us!

Group X - Mario Twins

Posted: 27/07/2004 - 23:21
by Analog-X64
Hey Shblade
Shiggity shiggity shwaa

Guess what idiot?
What you did today?



I got a new Super88 System.

You did not...

Swear to god i got it at Chunky's for 2 dollar-es.

Oh yea? Let me see it..... Wow.

Yeah, you like that idiot.
I do.
I got it, you dont.

Gawd dam.

Hey,guess what?


It has new game.

What game?

I want to play it. It is called Mario Twins.
They look the same.


Good gawd...they look so gawd dam like the same person.
I would say to them "You want ice cream cone?"
Both of them say yes.
How in the hell?

They are twins. That's why.

What the hell?
Hey, Let's play it. Ready?


Do it.

There it goes.

(mario levels play)

Hey Blade, Blade!

Uh oh, You found the Princess!
She's in another house.
Go away!

What in the hell she doing?

Hey, crap on this.
Let's go play Super Mario's Punch-out!

Alright. Let's quit this game.
