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Bignose's USA adventure

Posted: 01/08/2004 - 5:02
by gol
I was listening to a great song on slay radio, which was bignose's USA adventure, by Darren Izzard. I then went to download it from remix.kwed, only to discover that.. I already had it :)
I never paid attention to it, because the mix in itself is pretty crap and way too quiet, so I guess that the processing on slay radio enhanced its quality a lot!

Anyway, it then made me make my own remix of bignose's USA adventure, which I just uploaded to remix.kwed.

Posted: 01/08/2004 - 9:24
by Kenz
Yeah, I've noticed that a few times. I'll hear a tune on SLAY and will think "that sounds cool!" - I'll go and download it only to find I have it already but never paid it enough attention originally. I've added a few gems to my "fave remixes" folder that way. :)

Posted: 11/08/2004 - 13:23
by fnordpojk
If you're using WinAMP, you could use the same compressor/limiter/etc we use on SLAY Radio. It's called OctiMax, and you can get it here:

Posted: 16/09/2004 - 21:49
by Darrenxyz
Does anyone have the fixed version that was on SLAY Radio? It was mainly because Big Nose turned out so bad that I stopped doing remixes, so I'd like to hear what they did to it to make it better.

Posted: 16/09/2004 - 21:57
by Slaygon
Darrenxyz wrote:Does anyone have the fixed version that was on SLAY Radio? It was mainly because Big Nose turned out so bad that I stopped doing remixes, so I'd like to hear what they did to it to make it better.
Hi Darren.

There is no "fixed" version. It's just the compressor/limiter/equalizer that makes it sound more... hm... full.
And this is done on-the-fly, so the file on disk is the same that is on R:K:O.