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what did you most dislike about the C64

Posted: 30/08/2004 - 23:22
by hyperhack
So much praise, but there must of been something about C64 which annoyed the pants off you!

Posted: 30/08/2004 - 23:28
by hyperhack
Okay I started this off! It's not as complex a question as 'what is the meaning of life' but should still warrant a fair few responses nonetheless!

For me it was getting rid of my old school C64 (save the slaps for the moment!) and then getting the C64C! Hmmm looked like an AMIGA at the time I thought hmmm, but after a game loading session later (just to listen to the music tracks of course) I noticed that you could hardly hear the samples on turbo outrun! gutted!

I would have to say the worse thing about C64 for me was the dodgy soundchip on the C64C.

There i've got that off my chest and am now at ease with myself once more :D

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 1:16
by Vosla
Worst thing about C64?
Well, I was annoyed by the missing reset-button (1984) and had to solder one by myself.
Much more worser than this was the heat the floppy created. For long sessions, I had to remove the outer shell of my 1541-I because the heat caused misallignment => read & write errors.

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 1:23
by Paul Vanukoff
At the time, our (my friends and I) major complaint was the long load time for games. Sometimes it would lock up while loading and you wouldn't know it until it took longer than usual to load. So we had to power off for a while and try it again. Of course it probably did that to use 'cause we'd play games on it for 10 hours straight :oops:. That was about the only complaint I had about it. I was just a dumb kid though.

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 6:40
by Subzero
I hated the way it smashed when it was hit over a spectrum owners head!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 6:43
by Mog
The games that refused to work for no apparent reason.


Posted: 31/08/2004 - 8:08
by Zzapback
tapedecks and load errors :evil:

edit: Wizball & International Basketball not working on my c128! Grrr.

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 9:36
by Kenz
I'll second that. UNRELIABLE TAPE DECKS. Arrgh! Kill!!

But one thing did make loading from tape worthwhile - all those gorgeous loading tunes. Yummm, slobberrr! :D

Maybe we should have a "favourite tape loading sequence" thread? Mine is Sanxion - first the glowing Thala-logo, then the Thalamusik kicks in - followed by that splendid loading screen drawn a line at a time. Classic!

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 11:44
by hyperhack
Hell yeah!

I forgot all about how dodgy the datacassette recorder was! I now remember when my new C64C at the time managed to bugger up nearly all of my games (yes orginals before anyone asks!) It managed to put its own brand of artistic stripes on the tapes stopping them from ever loading again!

I think the shop got pestered over it they finally gave in, and replaced all the buggered games. Only problem was they didnt have the great games I had and I had to settle for different shite replacements.

Good thing I had plenty of mates with C64's so I could nick their games when they weren't looking! :D

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 16:30
by merman
Equipment failing just when you need it - my FD2000 drive packed up last week. :(

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 19:33
by Vosla
Oh, wow! The Datasette! How could I ever forget about it?!

That was a hilarious time of screwdriver-jockeying! Most of my tapes needed to be adjusted by hand.
I remember I had to drill a bigger hole into the Datasette's shell so I could see the screw all times.
Later on INPUT64 had a marvelous adjusting tool so you had visual feedback on the screen while applying quarterturns on the holy screw.

I killed my first Datasette while experimenting with a sampling device I tinkered with. Uhm... But I had bought a 1541 by then so it didn't really hurt that bad. Later on I got a spare from a friend.

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 19:38
by Romeo Knight
For me the worst thing was...

....the CP/M-Mode of my C128. I still don't know what it was good for.... :D :wink:

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 19:45
by Vosla
Romeo Knight wrote:For me the worst thing was...
....the CP/M-Mode of my C128. I still don't know what it was good for.... :D :wink:
Did anyone know?` :lol:

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 21:38
by rambones
(S)loading times on stock C64

Posted: 01/09/2004 - 0:02
by Kenz
SID CHIP BUZZ!! :evil:

You won't believe how much time I've spent removing it from the tracks I've recorded for the BZ CD range ... !