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Favourite Tape Loading Sequence - requested by Kenz

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 11:49
by hyperhack
Hehe - Sorry Kenz! Couldn't resist!

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 16:30
by merman
Well, either Mastertronic's Invade-a-load, or Delta's Mix-e-load. Something that keeps you occupied while the tape is whirring away.

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 17:06
by tomsk
I remember being quite jealous of speccy owners (yes really!) in the early days of loading screens. Then Daley's Decathalon came out with a loading picture and a great tune.
I agree with Merman - probably the best ever tape load was Mix-e-load (which I still boot up to this day)
Technically speaking Dragons Lair II (I believe) let you play each level whilst loading the that was probably THE best pre-loading entertainment !!!

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 17:44
by Kenz
OOooh yeah, Delta Mix-E-Load was SUPERB!

Funnily enough, Invade-a-load was sometimes BETTER than the main game it was loading. :lol:

Posted: 19/09/2004 - 13:07
by Cheetor
I'd have to narrow it down to one of four...

1) Invade-A-Load (yeah, I know everyone's going to pick this one!)

2) Mix-E-Load (one of the reasons I still use my C64 and a great reason for using tape instead of disk!)

3) I can't remember the game/company (might have been Silverbird) but there was one that let you play a version of Qix while the game loaded

4) Rambo just for the music although it was so bloody annoying that the game loaded a little too quickly so the music always cut off before it ended. Every so often I stopped the game loading deliberately just to listen to the music!


Posted: 19/09/2004 - 14:09
by madfiddler
Mix-e-load was the BEST!!!!

Was that Hubbard too?

Posted: 19/09/2004 - 16:05
by merman
madfiddler wrote:Mix-e-load was the BEST!!!!

Was that Hubbard too?
Yep, Mix-e-load on Delta was by Hubbard.

Posted: 19/09/2004 - 17:40
by Waz
Cheetor wrote:3) I can't remember the game/company (might have been Silverbird) but there was one that let you play a version of Qix while the game loaded
Ah, maybe you're thinking Micro Painter, which was on Wild Load as used by Players sometimes?

Don't forget also the bizarre "Load-n-Play" Mastertronic had pre-Invadaload!

Posted: 19/09/2004 - 17:47
by SIR'86
Early in the C64 era my favourite tape loading sequence was on Revenge of The Mutant Camels. It showed a blank screen! The reason I liked it so much was it was the first turboloader I had - on one side the game took 20 minutes to load, the other 90 seconds!

So that's my favourite tape loading sequence - one that's short and sweet. :roll:

Posted: 19/09/2004 - 20:43
by Cheetor
wazzaw wrote:
Cheetor wrote:3) I can't remember the game/company (might have been Silverbird) but there was one that let you play a version of Qix while the game loaded
Ah, maybe you're thinking Micro Painter, which was on Wild Load as used by Players sometimes?
Yup! That's the one! Typical - I've got a few of the old Players games in stock and they're the ones I haven't got around to testing yet and I can guarantee that all of those buggers have have got that damn loader on it!!


Posted: 19/09/2004 - 21:53
by Kenz
Talking of fastloaders - I loved the one on Crazy Comets. It would make the usual Novaload screechy noises at the start and then ... that's it! The game would be loaded! In seconds! :)

Posted: 20/09/2004 - 10:28
by Ziphoid
Kenz wrote:Talking of fastloaders - I loved the one on Crazy Comets. It would make the usual Novaload screechy noises at the start and then ... that's it! The game would be loaded! In seconds! :)
I worked at a computer store around that time and we often used CC to try the azimuth alignment on tape drives since it loaded sooo damn quickly compared to all other games... for my personal favourites I think I'll have to go with Mix-e-Load and Rambo as well... Rambo primarily for the excellent music, but also for the cool pic displayed row by row... ;)

Also, I think Quedex from Thalamus had a cool loading game... Something like Willy the Wobbler or whatever it was called... Cool music in that one too, btw...

/ Ziph (who doesn't go with the flow and uses the z at the end of my nick... ;))

Posted: 20/09/2004 - 10:31
by Kenz
Just thought of another one - PARADROID!!

You know, the version with the robot silhouettes which light up with explosion flashes.



I also liked the Uridium loader cos the little progress bar showed how long until my FAVOURITE GAME EVER loaded in. :)

Posted: 20/09/2004 - 11:45
by Cheetor
It's not a C64 one, but the fastest loading one I remember was a Vic 20 Q-Bert clone from Anirog, Hexpert. It only took about 4 seconds to load!!

Posted: 27/10/2004 - 14:09
by Chappers
One of my favourites was the loading sequence for Dominator by System 3.

It was the timing of the loading screen appearing which coincided with the change in the tune (at about 46/47 seconds in Sidplay). This excellent piece of timing (deliberate or pure fluke) made it more than just a great tune in its own right for me.

The Hawkeye Mix-e-Load was a lot of fun as well. It's a shame that it doesn't transfer very well to mixing it on Sidplay. More reason then to load up the original! :)
