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Bitlive starts for me NOW!

Posted: 09/09/2004 - 12:03
by tas
Ok fella's, I'm off.... See you there or on the flip side :)

If anyone is needing to contact me, then i'm contactable on: +44 (0)7905804491

oh, and anyone not going to bitlive has a sudden feel of good will can also use that number to text me the Doncaster Rovers result of Saturday :)


Posted: 09/09/2004 - 22:15
by Vosla
Just in case...

To all people attending

Have fun and a jolly good time!!!

:D :D :D

Posted: 10/09/2004 - 0:26
by Matrix
Anyone can catch me on +44 (0)777 3376069

(Especially the Browns Strip Joint girls !! ) :shock:

Posted: 10/09/2004 - 8:40
by tomsk
Well - I'm just about to catch the train from Newcastle central - looking forward to meeting up with you all, old friends and new !

See ya there and lets hope this BIT Live goes out with a bloody big bang ! (oh, and that's not PPOT's amps going up either...) :)


Posted: 10/09/2004 - 8:55
by Feekzoid
Just aboot to drive to the airport, departing 11:55.. arriving Gatwick 13:40..

See the rest of you soon!

Posted: 10/09/2004 - 13:58
by hyperhack
Hi Peeps!

Nice to see some of you are making your way there!

I'm about 85-90Miles away so I don't embark on the train until 9.50am tomorrow! No Lie In for me tomorrow :(

Hell what do we care? IT'S FOOKIN BITLIVE 2004!!!!!!

see you there dudes!

Posted: 10/09/2004 - 14:04
by SIR'86
I'm driving down to stay with a relative in Enfield tonight, then should be in London about 10am tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Posted: 10/09/2004 - 21:34
by AdamDawes
We're just hours away and I can't wait. I got my tickets, read the maps and listened to the C64 ringtone previews on -- all systems go!

Are many of you guys planning to wear name tags then this year?

Posted: 11/09/2004 - 5:12
by Matrix
Mines been printed for weeks (custom jobber like my sig banner) ..... i'm wrangling weather to say shit to the hospital and come down anyway *Grumble*

10 past 9 national express from Wakefield hits London around half 1 at Victoria .... then £20 taxi to the venue (its 4 miles from Victoria Station btw).

Yeah i know its 6am... Im still awake wrestling with my concience.....

Posted: 11/09/2004 - 15:36
by Matrix
Ok guys - dont kill me all at once.... im really really really really sorry i decided against it.... my sight is more important.... and im hoping that somewhere down the line a lottery winner or whatever will pull all you tallented guys together again for another show under a different title or sumthin'.

So, anyhow - heres what the hospital had to say.... basicly i need an Op under general anasthetic to repair the tear in my retina or i risk total retinal detatchment... if that happens, i go blind - im sure none of you would wish that... retinal detatchment is sudden, like, within say, 5 blinks... then its like bye bye vision. So - what caused it.... Well, the swolen macular has pulled it away from the eye wall a little, theres also a sub-retinal blister thats helping things along.... The macular swelled due to (and get this...) CLASSIC STRESS..... ie: High Blood Pressure; CSR (Central Serous Retinopathy) is just the start of the problems...

So the fix ? .... chill out for a week..... no work, no stress, no dashing around or carrying heavy stuff..... paracetamol tablets, classical music and lots of sleep.... then next week, ill have the Op (an overnight stay as its general anas...)

Well, thats it in a nutshell, i hope none of you think too badly of me and i hope we get to meet up at some other future date / event. If it makes u feel any better, i see slay radio is streaming live at 5, so ill be listening out with ya and be there in spirit, even if i cant be there to consume any such spirits...

Have a GREAT Time guys, really, have a blast, its the last one so REALLY get on in there and give it your ALL !! - and take time out to go shake Chris Abbott's hand for putting all this on for us - he deserves some serious recognition.

Ill watch out for the DVD next year.

L8r guys....

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 18:32
by tas
Thanks sub, for actually posting me the result :)

made my day that did :)

well the show also did too ofcourse :)

double bonzai!