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Bitlive 2004 - Some Pics & Video Links

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 15:37
by AdamDawes
[edit]: here's the complete list

Admin note (from Chris): this thread may be subject to vicious pruning for the sake of clarity. It's nothing personal ;-)


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 17:10
by RetroMarkie
I want to create a Back In Time section in the Retro Games World site. Including pics and reviews so if anyone want to contribute just email pics and reports to

It deserves its place in the lime light... that way we can build it up for the next one! ha! c'mon ... there must be another... some time... one day...

It was a fantastic day... and I really enjoyed my silly Green man banter with Ben... silliness? yea... all good fun! BIT as well as my Retrovision events seem to bring together the BEST folk in the world... we seem to be as one... one goal... have fun! what a great thing the whole scene is. I am very proud to be a part of it. Long may we all rein!

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 11:30
by RetroMarkie
Did ANYONE get a piccies of me in Ming make-up? just one piccies needed...

Re: Bitlive 2004 - Pics & Video Links in here please

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 11:36
by Benn
Chris wrote:this thread may be subject to vicious pruning for the sake of clarity.
As this is a sticky thread, shouldn't that be viscous pruning?

Ouch - sorry :)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 12:59
by Matrix
LMAO - great typo ;)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:32
by Kenz
Did anyone get any pics of Natz in THAT PVC dress?! :D

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:47
by Feekzoid
Kenz wrote:Did anyone get any pics of Natz in THAT PVC dress?! :D
NO!!! FFS! tho I did get to touch it.... :P~~~~ ~ ~ ~

*ahem* Anyhoo..

I've uploaded some short clips of the night, lo quality, and not properly deinterlaced from the DV source - stinking WMV format wont do it properly...

They're all quite small files, but total 13mb,


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:52
by Matrix
Did some1 say .. *Gulp* .. PVC :shock:

*Primal Urges Take Over*

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:01
by merman
RetroMarkie wrote:Did ANYONE get a piccies of me in Ming make-up? just one piccies needed...
E-mail sent!

Will get my pics up during the week, but I'm concentrating on the RETRO GAMER article which should get us some nice publicity / extra CD and DVD sales / a nice big platform to preach to the heathens...

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:18
by Matrix
Just get all the Spectrum, BBC and Amstrad owners on dog collars n parade them thru the middle of Birmingham on a Saturday night - Youll get ALL the publicity you need :D

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:31
by Kenz
I probably shouldn't mention that I'm a Spectrum and Amstrad owner then! :oops:

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:32
by Bog
I probably shouldn't mention that I'm a Spectrum and Amstrad owner then!
Burn the heretic!

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:33
by Kenz
Burn the Speccy more like. ;)


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:35
by RetroMarkie
Kenz wrote:Burn the Speccy more like. ;)
NO! bash it! bash it! bash it! THEN burn it!

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:39
by Kenz
I'll probably get a roasting (hoho!) from the Speccy forum for that - we were in fact giving it a "Jedi style" honourary funeral - and there was actually no Speccy inside - it was just the plastic case cos I upgraded to a Spectrum+ (There's no rubber keys either - tis just a shell)

I should put a disclaimer on the site - "No Spectrums were actually cremated during the making of Xmas Chortles". ;)

The Speccy even had a place of honour in the beautifully rendered intro for Xmas Chortles 2.

Er, I'll shut up now. :)