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Friday night?

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 20:37
by Lee's PeeknPoke
I was the only one in Tiger Tiger. bastard 3.50 a bottle. Pissed me off big time. :evil:

The guy at the door even said there was no guest list for Chris Abbott.

Waited til 10:00 then pissed off, pissed off :D

where was everyone?


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 20:41
by Chris Abbott
Er... sorry about that.

1) I registered, they're cunts.

2) Everybody kind of made an on-the-spot decision to go to the "London Pub" near Russell Square. Boz and Kenz did try to round everybody in Tiger Tiger up, but it was all a bit of a last minute klutz-up.

That happened to be the pub that the performers went to the night before. And that wasn't planned either, everyone was supposed to go to the Harvester near the rehearsal studios!!

What a mess...

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:00
by Kenz
The Friday booze-up was a clusterfuck thanks to the WANKERS at Tiger Tiger not letting people in because we weren't wearing tuxedos or fuck knows what.

VERY hard trying to get all the lost souls to the same place at the same time. Didn't get to see Mog this year. *sniffle* :(

I was actually refused entry into one pub because I was HOLDING A CAN OF COKE - What the fu??? I was also stopped in the street by two policemen cos I was holding TWO MOBILE PHONES (the credit had run out on mine so I was using Natz' phone to call FeekZoid) - if I had stolen them do you think I would be STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF LONDON USING THEM YOU DUMB TITHEADS!

/rant over - event still fab. Still hyper. :)

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:02
by Chris Abbott
Well, at least the Wetherspoons worked big time :)

We increased their sales 50% over last Saturday. And did I see a penny? Well, they gave me a free Coke. But they weren't happy about it!


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:30
by SIR'86
The Wetherspoons was a great idea, especially as their drinks prices were reasonable. Their food wasn't that nice though. :roll:

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:38
by AdamDawes
I thought their cheese and bacon burgers were fairly good. :)

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:39
by Chris Abbott
"It fills a hole", as my gran says...


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:45
by thalamus
Chris Abbott wrote:"It fills a hole", as my gran says...

So do chicken shaggers 8)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 0:33
by Matrix
Kenz wrote:The Friday booze-up was a clusterfuck thanks to the WANKERS at Tiger Tiger not letting people in because we weren't wearing tuxedos or fuck knows what.

VERY hard trying to get all the lost souls to the same place at the same time. Didn't get to see Mog this year. *sniffle* :(

I was actually refused entry into one pub because I was HOLDING A CAN OF COKE - What the fu??? I was also stopped in the street by two policemen cos I was holding TWO MOBILE PHONES (the credit had run out on mine so I was using Natz' phone to call FeekZoid) - if I had stolen them do you think I would be STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF LONDON USING THEM YOU DUMB TITHEADS!

/rant over - event still fab. Still hyper. :)
- Aww, still , Londons not so bad, Eh Chris ;) *Cough* lol...

@Thalamus : LMFAO M8 LOL !!!! - hey, are you FROM Thalamus ? If so, congrats on Hawkeye :) Played it to death n back in the 6pack with QueDex etc...

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 2:35
by madfiddler
Chris Abbott wrote:Well, at least the Wetherspoons worked big time :)

We increased their sales 50% over last Saturday. And did I see a penny? Well, they gave me a free Coke. But they weren't happy about it!

Maybe a split of door revenue and bar revenue is the way to go for the future considering that C64 music fans appear to be a bunch of piss heads... Gary Liddon will make 50% of the cash on his own ;)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 7:52
by Mog
Kenz wrote:VERY hard trying to get all the lost souls to the same place at the same time. Didn't get to see Mog this year. *sniffle* :(
I share your pain...


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 7:59
by beyond
Hi Mog, hope it was a good wedding :)

(Tell no-show-Nicki that we sold the last pink tshirt to someone else... :P)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 8:10
by Mog
It was a lovely wedding, thanks.

Can't believe Nicky didn't turn up. You try to send a substitute and look what happens.

Damn Spectrum owners, you can't trust 'em!


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 8:14
by Chris Abbott
> Maybe a split of door revenue and bar revenue is the way to go for
> the future considering that C64 music fans appear to be a bunch of
> piss heads...
No one ever agrees to that: they know what side their bread is buttered! It's not for want of asking...


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 10:48
by Matrix
Damn Spectrum owners, you can't trust 'em!
- Its those loading screens, zoinks you out - just dont have the quality BUZZ of a 64 loader ;) its like doing bad drugs mixed with vim lol ... low quality cheap ass product that turns your head into mashed potato ! :shock: