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Speccy Hate Campaign

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 11:42
by hyperhack
Just seen someone say speccy rulez! Not in there matey!

Smash it! Trash It! Burn it! :evil:


Posted: 14/09/2004 - 11:48
by dizimatt
or even worse, flog it to a poor mug on ebay

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 12:57
by RetroMarkie
Speccies are GREAT! for BURNING! and I will prove that LIVE at Retrovision next Feb... a live burning of a speccy... then let it melt into little bits and we can all have a piece! :-)

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 13:13
by Matrix
Set it up as a pyre .... we can all don cloaks, encircle it, chant some quiet monk gibberish to the lord god SID and drink blood when its done....


BEER ! :lol:

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 13:26
by SIR'86
I never hated the speccy, but I hated poor conversions of speccy games on the C64. Same with the ST. Never hated it, but hated the fact that many ST games were badly ported to the Amiga.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 13:51
by Chris Abbott
I just didn't get on with monochrome! But a friend of mine at school had a Speccy, and we had some fun on that, interspersed with some fun on my Atari 400 16k :)


Posted: 14/09/2004 - 14:35
by SIR'86
The Atari machines were excellent, except for their tape loading system which was even worse than the C64's - noisy and unreliable.

I used to work in Silica Shop in Kent, selling Atari 8-Bit computers, at that time the primary source of them in the UK.

Posted: 14/09/2004 - 17:35
by Larsec
Try posting a topic about how much you love the C64 instead of how much you hate the Spectrum...

Posts like these lead to trolling and flaming...

By the powers invested in me by God (...or LMan, call him what you will) I hereby lock this thread...