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BIT Live 2004 Galleries Here

Posted: 16/09/2004 - 21:38
by beyond
I don't want to sound angry or something like that but could people please refrain from poluting this thread and only post new links? Thanks :)

Picture galleries ... certs_bit7 ... ootleg.WAV ... /index.htm ... ration.mpg ... e2004.html!/BIT%202004/ ... rt_order=0 ** NEW ** ... rt_order=0 ** NEW **

Videos ... ration.mpg

These will be available for a short time:
<a href=" Song Productions - 01 - Madfiddler's life story.avi">Madfiddler's life story</a>
<a href=" Song Productions - 02 - Who'd you reckon's gonna get beaten up first this weekend.avi">Who'd you reckon's gonna get beaten up first this weekend</a>
<a href=" Song Productions - 03 - All the happy looking people.avi">All the happy looking people</a>
<a href=" Song Productions - 04 - Spellbound in the Swedish dorm.avi">Spellbound in the Swedish dorm</a>
<a href=" Song Productions - 05 - On our way to the venue.avi">On our way to the venue</a>
<a href=" Song Productions - 06 - Everyone that walked to the venue.avi">Everyone that walked to the venue</a>

From Ready64 In italian (auto translated)

    Posted: 18/09/2004 - 16:02
    by Feekzoid
    My links temporarily out of bandwidth! Will let know/remove this post once sorted!


    Not going to get anymore bandwidth till next month, but if anyone else wants to host them (13mb total) let me know, and I'll stick em somewhere they can be retrieved.

    Posted: 28/09/2004 - 8:27
    by merman ... e2004.html

    Finally got my shots online, will be adding to it in the next couple of days with an improved Brighton gallery and a new 2002 gallery. Enjoy!

    (P.S. - get hold of issue 9 of RETRO GAMER, with my Back in Time Live article/interviews in)

    Posted: 30/09/2004 - 8:37
    by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
    Feekzoid wrote:if anyone else wants to host them let me know
    Some BitLive photos can be found at
    They are on the "Concert photos and videos"-page.

    Feekzoid, I took the liberty of putting two of your video clips in there, with credits - I hope that's ok. :D

    Re: BIT Live 2004 Galleries Here

    Posted: 03/10/2004 - 22:31
    by Benn
    beyond wrote:Italian - auto translated
    Heehee - I get translated as "Very Daglish" - I like that :)

    Re: BIT Live 2004 Galleries Here

    Posted: 04/10/2004 - 8:49
    by Slaygon
    Benn wrote:I get translated as "Very Daglish" - I like that :)
    Yeah, well... I don't think one can be more Daglish than you, so you must be Very Daglish then. =)

    Posted: 11/10/2004 - 14:51
    by Feekzoid
    Did anyone get a photo of the big group of us outside the Leicster Sqr pub after it closed?

    Posted: 05/11/2004 - 13:08
    by Retrovertigo
    Finally got my pics from the event developed. Most involve drunken japery in the pub and the hotel. I was going to put captions on them before I put them up but after spending ages scanning them in, I just couldn't be arsed! :P

    There's a RAR file of the whole lot if you want to leech them all in one go.

    Enjoy :wink:!/BIT%202004/

    Posted: 05/11/2004 - 17:49
    by dan gillgrass
    Ho ho ho, some CLASSIC pics there Ste! lmao at some of them!

    Posted: 05/11/2004 - 18:17
    by Matrix
    " ~GayMagnet "

    BWHahaahaahahaaa :lol:

    Posted: 15/11/2004 - 20:24
    by Chappers
    Just uploaded my Bitlive photos.

    It's in two parts due to the amount I took because Ofoto limits each gallery to 25 photos.

    Part 1 ... rt_order=0

    Part 2 ... rt_order=0

    Those allergic to Rambones are best to look away now. :wink:


    Posted: 16/11/2004 - 14:36
    by Retrovertigo
    Some great pics there! I can't believe the state of me in them :roll:

    And other picture of me having a fit beside Ben, woohoo! :lol:

    Posted: 16/11/2004 - 19:27
    by dan gillgrass
    Some very cool pics Chappers, nice one!

    Posted: 17/11/2004 - 1:20
    by tas
    The evening finally takes its toll on Tas as he falls off his bed. Kids, let this be a lesson to you. This move, known as Falling Over While Pissed (tm), is brought to you by MBD Records using a highly trained professional pisshead. The remix scene's equivalent to George Best does his best to maintain 'Premiership' standards yet again.

    hahahahaha! funny... VERY FUNNY!!!!!

    Brings back all the good memories... As long as i live i will never forget the classic moonwalk! pure comedy moment!

    Still makes me chuckle now!

    Posted: 23/11/2004 - 8:28
    by Chappers
    Paul Chapman wrote:Just uploaded my Bitlive photos.

    It's in two parts due to the amount I took because Ofoto limits each gallery to 25 photos.

    Part 1 ... rt_order=0

    Part 2 ... rt_order=0

    Those allergic to Rambones are best to look away now. :wink:

    Another classic Chappers moment coming up.... :)

    Been uploading more photos (not related to Bitlive) to this Ofoto photo gallery site and have realised that I can have more than 25 photos in each gallery on this site. In fact, I can have as many as I want on each gallery. There's just a limit to how many photos can be uploaded at once when using a single file upload.

    So to make it easier, I have merged the two Bitlive galleries into 1 collection which is linked below. The link to this gallery is what was the link to Part 1. ... rt_order=0

    Took ages for the penny to drop. What a ponce..... :roll: :lol:
