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c64 music editors

Posted: 30/09/2004 - 17:41
by stainlesssteel
Hey Y´all,

After my computer died a couple of days ago (smoke coming out of the energy supply)
and im left with my old 750mhz notebook, I got bored and started checking out some music editors on the vice emulator.

I remember back in the old days how i desperatly tried to get my hands on some editor (besides futurecomposer) but they were just not available.

Well, i found quite a few now on the internet and tried a plenty of them.
I kinda got stuck on the jch editor, probably because its tracker-style.

I fiddled around with it for a couple of hours and eventually managed to get something together that didnt sound to bad
(atleast not as bad as the other attempts on the futurecomposer style editors)

What i havent really completely got a grasp on yet is the way of making a instrument that doesnt sound like utter crap.
Insted i had to rely on premade instruments from existing tunes by jch. well, in time ..

Along the way, i found a "Laxity editor", needless to say laxity is one of my most worshiped composers from the c64.

I wasnt aware of the fact that he had ever made one for his player.

Unfortunatly, i never had it much with the way his (and most other) editors work.

Has anyone tried his luck with that one ?

Ofcourse, this is all just for nostalgic reasons and with no serious intention.

Please share your thoughts on this if you like.

Posted: 02/10/2004 - 0:14
by madfiddler
Ha, I've been going through the same motions.. In my C64 years, when I was 12+ I had Electrosound which by all comparisons sounded crap. However it was pretty close to the way Cubase etc works nowerdays so I can't complain now.

I've just completed my first .sid file on Goattracker, which I found ok to use as it's very close to the amiga trackers out there.

Still would like to try something more flexible and give the "hubbard" sound, which of course was the best imho.

Interested in people's thoughts on all C64 composers... even if it means buying another C64 to use one... hey, I have one in a box somewhere.... :)

Posted: 02/10/2004 - 9:29
by merman
Based on my own experience...

I used Dutch USA Team's Music Assembler for years, very easy to use.

Then I progressed to Cosine's Electronic Music System (EMS) which is more powerful.

I currently compose most of my tunes on Demo Music Creator (DMC) v5.0+

A lot of the top composers use the Jens-Christian Huus (JCH) player in various forms.

Posted: 02/10/2004 - 12:08
by Sidman 64
This is rolling back the years here :!:

I used a few programs on the C64 - first one I used was Soundmaster which came with a demo track of Last Ninja track "Ben's".
don't know if he used this program but it sounded the same.
I then used Future Composer - then the last one I used was DMC V5.0
Which had some fantastic filters and drums etc etc.

I have'nt used my C64 music programs for a few years now but I still have a complete set-up of Original 64 - disk drive - and music disks etc :( ah
For sound on the C64 - you have got to admire what Jeroen Tel got out of the 64 - He is defo up there with R.Hubbard in style as well :D