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Wondering if you guys could help me out a bit ...

Posted: 07/10/2004 - 8:11
by betelzeus
I've been trying to write another remix for a while now , but i can't seem to finish anything lately ... some funky type 'o writer's block i guess ... lol ... anyways

Just wanted to ask if anyone can take a listen to the last thing i've been workin on and tell me what yall think ... or emm ...something like that ... it's only really a rough draft so far ...well sorta ... and listening to it over and over trying to figure out what to do with it ...kinda drives ya nuts hahah ...

There are some parts , I'm not sure if they fit or not ... and emm ... well mainly ... I'm not sure if the second half (you'll know) fits with the whole song ... i mean i kinda think it does ... but i dunno ... anyways it is


Posted: 29/10/2004 - 13:20
by Infamous
welcome to the fold for starters..

listening to your tune here.. for a 1st go its pretty impressive.
kinda reminds me of markus schnieder (sorry i can never tell if ive spelt your last name right markus :-( ).. its all very medievil (which i assume it was meant to be lol).. and as i think ive already said and if i aint.. then i will now.. its very good.

the ending is lovely... maybe making it a little longer.. so it isnt under 2 minutes would actually be my only gripe with it.. the rest as it stands is excellent... great start :-)

Posted: 29/10/2004 - 20:41
by tas
it's sounding really, good.. need more impact in some sections, but more delacy in others... but if this is a beta, then it's really nice, and keep with it.

I agree with inf.. needs to be about 4 mins minimum!

Posted: 31/10/2004 - 13:36
by betelzeus
Hey thanks guys ... for the compliments and the advice :) ... i was stuck with this one for a while , but i think that's the way most of the stuff i write goes , just kinda sits on the shelf for a while ...

Anyways ... I wasn't sure about some parts of this one at first but emm ... I'll give a go at working on this a bit and adding some length and some other stuff ...

Thanks again :D