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The Feekzoid effect

Posted: 22/10/2004 - 11:11
by Kenz
I was just listening to Feeky's brilliant "Archetype" remix (which is damn catchy - get it from RKO if you haven't got it already!) and there's a cool bit with military style drums and a huge cymbal crash. I was getting so into the tune (complete with neck pricles et al) I almost stood up and did a big pretend cymbal crash noise / movement .... Then I realised that might look a bit silly.

Hehe, sorry, just thought I'd share that moment with you. Have any other remixes had that sort effect on you?

Boz said I also used to make lots of "whoosh" noises while listening to remixes with my headphones on. :)

(Yes, I'm a loony).


Posted: 22/10/2004 - 11:23
by Chris Abbott
There's lots of bits that make me play air something... Nexus 6581 has lots of moments like that :) (air sax, air funk guitar, air this, air that!)...

And there's probably lots of people do the cowbell at the start of Deflektor now :) Especially Andreas :lol:


Posted: 22/10/2004 - 11:36
by Kenz
Now don't get me started on Deflektor - you've HEARD the "Dayo" effect! :D

Posted: 22/10/2004 - 11:46
by Feekzoid
Asian Legends, the bit where the WOTF tune finishes, the bass slides down into the IK part... Lovely.

Posted: 22/10/2004 - 11:48
by Feekzoid
Possibly also Wizball Hi score now too.

Doesent everyone just want to "Da-dada-daa-daa-daa-daa-da-dada..." now?

Posted: 22/10/2004 - 11:52
by Makke
Markus Schneider & Mahoney - Sweet (feat. Elsa & Karin)

The guitar solo. One of the best solo's to do air guitar to since Dire Straits "Money for Nothing". ;)

Posted: 22/10/2004 - 12:48
by Cheetor
How about singing along to PPOT's Comic Bakery! :oops:

Posted: 22/10/2004 - 12:52
by Kenz
The orchestral build in the Bit3 version of Trap at around 1:40 ... Now THAT gives me some major goose-bumpage!

As does around three parts of the Bit3 Zoids Orchestral ...

Ahh, they don't make CDs like that any more. ;)

(And I mustn't forget Glyn R. Brown's symphonic pieces - Eargasm alert!!)

Posted: 22/10/2004 - 16:50
by Matrix
Confession - Evry time i hear the Wizball highscore, i sing the "NaNa-Na-Na-NaNa-Na-Naaaaaaaaaaaaa" alonng with it. I also do the "chikki Ckick, pick chikki chikki chick pik chikkichikchik dada STORMLORD" lol ....

Posted: 22/10/2004 - 23:16
by Vosla
:oops: How about dancing for yourself to something like "Hazel vs Markus Schneider - Kaos (From The Past Remix).mp3"?
Imagine ~145kg doing the waltz, pretending to sing an imaginary song to that melody. (At least it's slow enough for me
not to trip over my enourmous feet.) :wink:

BTW.: "FeekZoid - The Analogue Ninja.mp3" is also worth some silly moves. Made my people roll around the floor while I tried to mimick some kind of ballet dancer... almost broke my ankle... :roll:

Posted: 11/12/2004 - 20:29
by Soppa
I have to compliment Feekzoid on one of my personal favourite remixes which is the Something Stranger, the original being a Microprose Soccer subtune. I can't put my finger on why I like it so much, perhaps it's how the simplicity of the original tune has been turned into a wonderful piece of art in a most creative way. My prog rock background also might have something to do with it too. :lol: Definately in my top ten favourite remixes.