Quality filter

The place for musicians to share their knowledge and ideas about music and remixing, and to post WIP snippets and feedback. Also suggest tunes for remixing, here.
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Quality filter

Post by putzi »

Will there be any quality-filter on AmigaRemix ?
At least one that goes like "honorabili*"... he uploaded exactly the same crap like he did on RKO...
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Post by Paul Vanukoff »

I do want to add a rating system (like currently implemented on RKO / Remix64) but not 100% sure how to go about doing this at the moment.

I want to keep it fair (not to allow multiple votes from the same person) so there will have to be some sort of tracking system to allow each person just one vote.

At any rate, once some sort of voting / rating system is in place, I will put the rating of each remix on the site, just like RKO.

For now I working on getting links to originals and the basic search feature working.
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Post by tas »

Just a thought here.... but this is aimed at both markus/paul....

would it be possible to do something like we already do with RKO?

i mean can we open up the database for Amigaremix? alowing voting/reviews/and personal data?

1) would you be interested in this paul?

2) Markus, what do you think?

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Post by Paul Vanukoff »

I'd be interested in doing something like that. It would be a quite the collaborative effort but sure I'm game. Anything to make the scene more integrated and centralized is good IMO.
Paul Vanukoff
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Lies, all lies

Post by Chris Abbott »

To quote the ID3 tag in Honorabili's "Faery Tale" on Amigaremix.com

"19 Individual Instruments
185 Polyphonic Channels"

Ahem. I'm guessing one instrument (maybe two at the outside), and three polyphonic channels. I'd love to see the source file.

185 polyphonic channels????????????????

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Re: Lies, all lies

Post by putzi »

Chris Abbott wrote: 185 polyphonic channels????????????????
Just look at the name of the "remix": it´s a Fairy Tale ;-)
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Post by LMan »

It's the same stuff he said in some of his RKO "remixes" too. That's because he's a liar. I must apologise to everyone for being so rude here, but if there's one person in the whole community who stepped too roughly on my toes it is Honorabili.

He lied about polyphonic channels, about the ammount of time he spent on his remixes. He boasted about his remixes, he boasted terribly. Again and again. Constructive criticism went unheard. A thousand times. All talking did not result in anything. When Jan (after consulting the R64 staff) decided to pull his mixes offline, things got even worse (check <a href=http://www.remix64.com/show_content.php?id=66>09/2002 Editorial</a> for details). People who are not familiar with the story should know that Honorabili's mixes consisted of nothing more than a SID put through Sid2midi, mapped to an instrument and that was it.

He lied about his pseudo-'banishment'. He lied about our intentions, especially he spreads lies about us being monopolistic or money-hungry. If you spent so much of your free time to code Remix64, provide free remixes, run websites like RKO or c64audio all for FREE, for the public - and then you hear SUCH BULL-CRAP...

Yes, I am very bitter about him. Sorry.

- Markus
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Post by Makke »

To keep things simple I'll just add a *childish giggle* here and say "Don't get me started in the H-issue". :wink:
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Post by putzi »

...and I thought I am maybe too rude saying "he uploaded exactly the same crap".
I was right then, OK :-)
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Post by LMan »

I was just thinking, if the name "Honorabili" is derived from "honorable", I really don't see the connection name<->personality.

A proper name would be Dishonorabili... :wink:
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Post by DHS »

I think everything is misunderstood here.

When he writes:

"19 Individual Instruments
185 Polyphonic Channels"

He means he made the track on a studio/system consisting of a total capacity of 19 individual instruments and 185 polyphonic channels.

That's all.


Nearly infinite instruments.
Nearly infinite polyphonic channels.
DHS of The SoundWavers
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Post by putzi »

Must a heck of a system if he can run 19 instruments at the same time!
I run nearly out of CPU time with 17 instruments...
Last edited by putzi on 25/02/2003 - 21:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by honorabili »

Nah, my system is okay.

Athlon XP 1600 (266 Mhz FSB)
MSI 266 Mhz FSB mobo
256 MB of 133 Mhz DDR SDRAM (266 Mhz effective)
SB Live Platinum 5.1+

That particular song was recorded when I had a Maxtor HD that was 5400 RPM and had 2 MB of cache.

Despite that the hardware may be more adequate, I get high performance by optimizing windows (I use 98).

But if you want good streaming abilities get yourself a HD with a nice amount of cache and of course, at least 7200 RPM. Right now I have a 120 GB Maxtor 7200 RPM with 8 MB of cache as my primary. I get no lag, no matter what I do.

Anyways, about that song, there are 19 different instruments being played simultaneously and reaching a PEAK of 100+ different channels being used concurrently. YES, it is wise at that point to only run as well applications as possible when playing that song.

- H
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Post by honorabili »

LMan, Makke, and some others,

I'm done fighting with you guys. You can go on ranting, but I'd rather get some work done. If you want to see how much of a lamer and a midi/sid ripper I am, check out my hired guns remix. I know, that's right. No midis or sids exist of it. We'll see who makes the false accusations after I keep coming out with more and more amiga stuff which nobody ever did before.

Time will tell but in the meantime, just leave me alone, okay?

- Ignacio (honorabili)
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Off topic but it might help you out: system optimization

Post by honorabili »


If you want to squeeze performance out of your system in case you have a very complicated song to play, here is what I do.

First, get this proggy called X-tweq Setup


It is a program that allows you to optimize windoze almost as if it were a real OS like one once called AmigaOS or even Linux.

Second, there are a bunch of easy fixes you can do in that proggy to save you those precious resources that windows so "conveniently" mishandles.
For instance, did you know that those icons in the task bar take up most of your RAM and only boost up that particular program's performance slightly? The less things you have there, the higher your performance will be because you will use up less RAM and will have freer clock cycle available from your CPU.

You can get rid of all that junk either by going into the start menu and deleting the crap that is in the directory "startup", but to really clean it, this program modifies your real startup commands to not even load up that drivel.

There are more things you can do, it is a matter of exploring, but that's the main "virus" that I find in every machine I ever see.

I hope this helps.

- H
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