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JCH: No Bírthday

Posted: 06/01/2005 - 15:47
by Thorsten Klose

after more than one year I felt that the time has come for making a new SID remix - I choosed No Birthday by JCH which is one of my most favourite tunes due to the catchy bassline (which therefore dominates the whole song). ... Remix).mp3

I hope you like it! :-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Posted: 09/01/2005 - 17:31
by Waz

First off may I say it's really nice to see someone take on a classic JCH tune for a change. There's so many good JCH tunes out there that are dying to be remixed. Nice you found one that meant something to you.

And as for this remix well, I have to say I really really liked it. Lots of power and oomph in the analogue instrumentation which made you feel on edge and sounded quite rocky at the same time. The lead's particularly good in this respect especially near the end as is starts to give way to an almighty crash - a good idea to end like that rather than loop. Can't really fault it.

Keep up the good work!

Posted: 11/01/2005 - 12:08
by Vosla
What's up with the connection?
Everytime I try to download, it's a crawling 1-2KB/s and the connection is dropped after several minutes... :?

Had a listen to the snippets that I could salvage from the broken download and I WANT the whole tune... :cry:

P.S.: Now I got 1743kb of it... Is there a solution to that? Could somebody else host that tune, please ? :(

Posted: 11/01/2005 - 18:18
by Thorsten Klose
Wazzaw, thank you for the comments, they saved my day :-)

Vosla, currently the server reduces the download rate due to the high traffic (thats the problem with such 5 EUR/month offers). I've no idea where else I should host the file. Last time where I tried different free servers, the .mp3 was either deleted after short time, or the account was disabled after 1..2 days due to so called "illegal stuff" :-/

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Posted: 12/01/2005 - 1:25
by Vosla
Ouch! That sounds nasty. :(

Thnx for your answer. :)

Got the remix, listened to it and I like it a lot!
Would like to hear if it passes RKOs quality filter...

Posted: 22/02/2005 - 11:54
by stainlesssteel
Ive made a remix of this particular tune aswell, but on the c64 :-) ive put it up in the "othe releases" section. Its inside a c64 "demo" (no big demo though) in the 2nd part when you press "2".

Anyone mind taking a look ? ... icDemo.rar