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Ultima V subtune 4

Posted: 18/02/2005 - 10:00
by betelzeus
This is my third remix released at RKO ... thanks Jan :)

I also wanted say thanks to Tas and Infamous for giving the tune a listen a while back when i was still half way in the works ...

Anyways ... I wrote some info if yall want to check it out.

... hope that's right ... anyways ... comments and criticism are welcome ... and thanks for giving it a listen :)

Posted: 18/02/2005 - 13:53
by skitz
Awesome remix mate!

Posted: 18/02/2005 - 13:58
by tas
thanks mate.

I was dead impressed i can tell ya when i heard the final version compaired to the preview i heard many moons ago.

Posted: 18/02/2005 - 16:10
by xo
Quite a solid remix.

Posted: 18/02/2005 - 18:55
by midian
A very beautiful piece of music, excellent remix. :D


Posted: 18/02/2005 - 19:45
by Vosla
Simply wow!!! :D

Posted: 19/02/2005 - 5:07
by Infamous
well... god damn... i love this.. great great stuff :)
and glad you put the input to some use.. i vaugley remember it in its original incarnation... this though.. is wonderful.

Posted: 20/02/2005 - 1:01
by Vosla
I still got the old version... very interesting how the tune evolved.

Posted: 20/02/2005 - 12:27
by betelzeus
Hey guys ... I really appreciate all the comments fellas ... Thanks

I didn't think anyone still had the old version heh .. ya know ... I had originally planned to record the flute in there (instead of a sample i mean) ... especially on the part where it's just the flute and the strings ... well and the storm in the back(can't remember if the rain was in the older version) ...

Anyways i kinda got a little impatient and impulsive i guess lol and wound up rushing the last part a little bit ... well i guess that and emm ... sometimes it's a bit difficult for me to actually say something is finished and just leave it the way it is ... anyways

Just wanted to reply ... and say thanks for the comments and for the kind words :)