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Post by ifadeo »

take care....

cheers ifadeo
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Post by sumppi »

Even though I loved TNG, tolerated DS9 and actually quite liked Voyager I just couldn't stand one bit of Enterprise. Maybe it all comes down to the theme song eventually ;)

Better off dead.

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Post by LMan »

I have talked to several people who didn't ever give "Enterprise" a chance - for similar reasons like Sumppi. (No I don't like the theme song either.) Here in Germany, they're currently airing Season 3. The series has eventually developed a very intelligent, arborescent, continuous, and terribly thrilling story. If you expect the all-clean "Next Generation" type of Star Trek adventure, you're in for a surprise. "Enterprise" is class, in fact it's high class and you can only tell if you've watched more than one episode. Certainly it's better than 95% of today's TV shows.

Thinking back, Seasons 1 of TNG and DS9 weren't so great either, and it's similar with "Enterprise". Takes a while, but then it takes off.

Well, I should get myself a PayPal account and shoot 15 bucks. Every little helps. :)

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Post by ifadeo »

yep, i also hate that softrock theme song... :wink:

my favs are: TNG, Voyager and Enterprise...

...and yes, the 'new' enterprise got a brilliant story esp. season 3 !!!

thx for the support, don't let star trek die !!!

cheers ifadeo
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Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

(Pouring gasoline on a roaring fire...)

Who needs Trek when there's Firefly ? :wink:

Must get around to shelling out the £14.99 for dvd box set too.
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Post by xo »

I'm starting to like Enterprise. The Next Generation still rules of course.

Firefly never caught on. It looked more like some hybrid western to me. :~P I've only seen a couple of episodes though.

edit I have to agree with you Markus.
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Post by sumppi »

Well, the theme song was just the beginning of all things bad :)

I tried to watch Enterprise various times, about 3-4 eps from first season (whichs was quite boring), few from the second one (the borg episode was actually pretty cool, wasn't that in s2?) and I tried to tolerate the season 3 arc but it just didn't work.

And then came the nazis.

I hear the fourth season is pretty ok since Berman left (Berman and Braga are probably the ultimate evil in ST universum) and I've been trying to find the time to actually watch it. But with the series general quality being pretty bad, somehow even seven seasons of MacGyver sounds more tempting :)

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Post by DHS »

I agree totally with sumppi....

The lamest thing is that they asked Michael Straczynski to work on a ST-derivate serie, to give the brand again a solid and storyline (and if you know Babylon5 you know what i'm talking about), then fired him and decided to close all.

Well... better dead than idiot.
DHS of The SoundWavers
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Post by LMan »

Sorry I totally disagree, sumppi! Guess it boils down to personal taste... again. :)
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Post by merman »

DHS wrote:I agree totally with sumppi....

The lamest thing is that they asked Michael Straczynski to work on a ST-derivate serie, to give the brand again a solid and storyline (and if you know Babylon5 you know what i'm talking about), then fired him and decided to close all.

Well... better dead than idiot.
Not strictly true. Straczynski OFFERED to do a new Star Trek series, then he spoke to Paramount who said they were "resting" the franchise for a couple of years, so Straczynski changed his mind.

I think it does need a rest.

Matrix and I discussed one good idea for the future - a Star Trek time travel show. There's already been a time ship in Voyager (from the 29th Century), so a series set that far into the future could be good...
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Post by Romeo Knight »

TNG is god and will never be challenged! :)

2 of the very few autographs I ever hunted down in my life are those of the two (that's sad enough for germans) dubbing speakers of Cpt. Picard.
(Well, actually they came to my studio to record stuff. 8) )

If I'd be gay I think I wanted to marry Jean-Luc :D )
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Post by xo »

LOL Romeo Picard. I remember they changed speaker for Steward Patrick at some point in time because I used to watch it on SAT-1. It took some getting used to hearing it in german and then they switched speaker. Nice! :~E
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Post by Maindrian »

You're all off your nut. No mention of the original series. Yes, It's creaky as hell, but it beats the crap out of TNG and whatever came after that. And it has the Shat.

I didn't mind the first two series of Enterprise truth be told, but series three killed it. My reasons are simple, Star Trek has always been a great show for just tuning in and knowing where you are immediately. You can watch pretty much all of the original series episodes and they all stand alone, all begin in the same place, all singular. Just devote an hour of your life to the continuing voyages, without having to have seen the other episodes. Thats why Star Trek worked for me and thats why the more recent series have been a complete failiure. I hate having to wait for conclusion over the course of god knows how many weeks.

And yeah, I'm impatient and have a quick attention span, so what of it? Oooh look, a bird!

The big problem is that people keep trying to make it fresh and you don't need to do that. It's a cast iron premise, you have the universe to explore. Look how much mileage they got out of Doctor Who. That had its off years too, I'll admit, but that was mainly because of tampering with the format.

In conclusion? Let Star Trek take a long, long break and give us more Farscape. 8)
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Post by sumppi »

Maindrian wrote:You're all off your nut. No mention of the original series. ...snip... My reasons are simple, Star Trek has always been a great show for just tuning in and knowing where you are immediately. You can watch pretty much all of the original series episodes and they all stand alone, all begin in the same place, all singular.
Nice work summing up what's so great about the best sci-fi series of all time. Babylon 5, I mean ;)

Oh well, maybe I'll just shut up about long storylines and consistent universe before there's an ultra-geeky war all over the place :)

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Post by Feekzoid »

For me, I thought Enterprise was enjoyable, but I just lost interest, and its dicking around with historical events and looks really pissed me off.

I REALLY wish Paramount had pursued what the majority of fans seem to want:


A series following Captain Sulu in the TOS timeline (Post ST VI)

I loved TNG, put up with voyager from time to time, tried to watch DS9 whenever I remembered... but for me the TOS movie timeline was the best.

And I have always loved the Enterprise movie design, so elegant and beautiful - unlike the go-fast-stripes STUPID STUPID UGLY Enterprise-D from TNG - I cheered in ST:Generations when the damn thing got minced, tho was only mildly pacified by the E.


Rant over.


ST:Nemesis was pretty much the nail in the coffin I thought. It had elements of good story, but the usual plot holes.... and even its moment of triumph, the emotional sting of tragedy at the end... is UTTERLY destroyed by the convenient back-up plan of a "backup" Data.

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