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Another C64 rip?

Posted: 23/02/2005 - 18:39
by Makke
Ok, I though the last bail funk tune I posted about sounded like Lazy Jones, but was later told it didn' naturally I don't really trust my own ears anymore.

But anyway, I heard another tune on the radio today that reminded me of a SID. This tune:

It's by a guy/group called Diplo and is called Diplo Rhythm...but to me that's Platoon #1 by Jonathan Dunn.

I think some bail funk producer has got his hands on HVSC, because two tunes that sounds this much like C64 tunes is a bit too much to be coincidental imho.

Posted: 23/02/2005 - 18:47
by trace
Was thinking of posting this too,it's platoon and allmost the whole tune :shock:

I have realized that many groups is using sid or whatever game console in there music.

Posted: 23/02/2005 - 21:04
by Retrovertigo
Undoubtably Platoon and an absolutely terrible song to boot. :evil:

Posted: 23/02/2005 - 21:37
by Chris Abbott
FYI, Jon got in touch with the record label and cut a deal after I told him about this one...


Posted: 23/02/2005 - 21:45
by ifadeo
yep, i think they take the orginal sid and cut it into pieces, make some loops of them and pitch them to death.... in combination with drum loops
and a bass synth plug-in.... :roll:

maybe they should release this tune as remix at R:K:O.... :wink:

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 23/02/2005 - 23:13
by Hazel
This suxx... It sounds just like shit... This is really lack of respect for a classic tune... :cry:

Posted: 23/02/2005 - 23:14
by C64GLeN
ifadeo wrote: maybe they should release this tune as remix at R:K:O.... :wink:
It won't pass the qualitiy filter, it's the shits.

Posted: 24/02/2005 - 11:54
by ifadeo
C64GLeN wrote:
ifadeo wrote: maybe they should release this tune as remix at R:K:O.... :wink:
It won't pass the qualitiy filter, it's the shits.
yep, they should 'try' to release.... :twisted:

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 24/02/2005 - 12:27
by Chris Abbott
It's the arrogance of these guys that get me: they do fuck all work, think they've "improved" something, and then expect people to worship them. Most of Output64 fell into that category... I got an email from a fan of the Jeans Team telling me off because they were so successful and therefore their Last Ninja cover was great. I emailed back saying that it didn't matter how "successful" they were it didn't change the fact that their track was crap, in my ever so humble it hurts opinion glaven.


Posted: 24/02/2005 - 12:44
by Romeo Knight
Chris Abbott wrote:I got an email from a fan of the Jeans Team telling me off because they were so successful and therefore their Last Ninja cover was great. I emailed back saying that it didn't matter how "successful" they were it didn't change the fact that their track was crap.
You're right, I just listened to it. :)
I think it's supposed to be hip and trendy minimalistic electronical music.
But in fact it's a bowl of midi-poo.

Posted: 24/02/2005 - 13:20
by xo
Its crap alright. He basically slaughtered platoon. :evil:
By the way Makke, what radio station would air such crap?

I somehow liked this though, maybe its the voice. :oops:

Oh, what is this, there is a complete review by Wazzaw. :)

Posted: 26/02/2005 - 12:02
by Feekzoid
Whatever happened to the crazy oriental woman singing along to Hot Rod, and Hawkeye?

Tho I thought it terrible... I also thought it funny.. especially the Hawkeye "cover"

Firebird + summat wasnt it?

Posted: 27/02/2005 - 11:51
by tomsk
But in fact it's a bowl of midi-poo.
Well summed up I think Romeo ! :)
Shockingly poor also springs to mind. Any 'song' featuring the lyrics "Bling Bling" is usually a good indicator of it's Shite factor. Needless to say this scores very highly in the Shite factor rankings.

Deary me !

Posted: 27/02/2005 - 15:23
by CraigG
Chris Abbott wrote:Most of Output64 fell into that category...
I actually went on to the Output64 site last week to check whether it was as bad as I originally thought, and I discovered that, in many ways, it actually wasn't. The problem with most of the tracks is that they have clearly been done in "fast buck" mode, but with more time and effort, some of them could have been really good mixes along the lines of what Trauma/TDG et al were doing. Of course, that wasn't the case, sadly. Still, I liked the Add N to X one.

Posted: 27/02/2005 - 16:50
by Chris Abbott
> it's a bowl of midi-poo.
A bit unfair to blame MIDI, when most of the blame can be laid at the door of readily available audio loops...
