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Posted: 16/03/2005 - 2:00
by betelzeus
Emm ... Someone asked me if one of my remixes could be used in a mod for NWN , (which honestly kinda surprised me a bit , but is very cool :D )

Anyways , I would assume that it would be for non commercial purposes , and if that is the case I was thinking that it would be alright, but emm ... I figured it would be best if I ask here first just in case.


Posted: 16/03/2005 - 8:52
by Chris Abbott
> I would assume that it would be for non commercial purposes
I'd check that first...

If it is, then nobody would mind particularly as long as appropriate credits were in place for the remixer and the composer: which one did they want to use?


Posted: 16/03/2005 - 17:58
by Matrix
Interesting question this one as im making a HUGE game mod for an older game called TREADMARKS, and i was getting round to asking certain remixers for the use of their music within the game. But im not at that stage of development yet...

Posted: 16/03/2005 - 18:30
by Infamous
treadmarks eh... anyone remember the playstation port of that?.
changed its name had some weird arsed ambient industrial music and if i remember its bloody name ill quote it... but it wasnt called treadmarks on the ps... still was a good game.

alot of people doing mods lately i see.. im working on some hl2 mods myself hence me being so bloody quiet :).

Posted: 16/03/2005 - 20:38
by betelzeus
Hey , thanks for the info Chris. It's the Bard's Tale II remix that he wants to use, but emm ... I had emailed the guy earlier and said it would alright as long as it was non commercial. I heard from him earlier and he said he was just making the mod for fun.

He'd said he'd list me in the credits , but i wasn't really sure if it should go to me or just Dave Warhol or both and i didnt' really say anything about that ... so I'll have to email him back about that.

Anyways , thanks for letting me know eh :)

Posted: 16/03/2005 - 21:36
by Chris Abbott
Should be both credited, otherwise it looks as if you composed "Bards Tale 2". Mind you, isn't that EA? Not that EA are particularly aggressive concerning small matters like this, but it's still a little bit of a risk for him.


Posted: 17/03/2005 - 2:08
by Matrix
Infy m8, Treadmarks never got converted to PS1 .. or 2 for that matter, a team called Reprocity in Sheffield were working on the PS2 port, but were ripping graphics from another game, when they were found out, they were in deep shit and the project stopped. The conversion project was taken up by melbourne based Tantalus Interactive.... they promptly ripped the arse out of the game, changed a few bits and rebadged it as "Metal Shell"... thus ripping off the hard work of Canada based Dev house "Longbow Digital Arts"...


Because of this, there is not enough funding to finish TM2, and thus the game dies in its current incarnation.... sadly... Top fun game tho, and only a fiver to buy !

Posted: 17/03/2005 - 15:03
by dan gillgrass
Infamous wrote: im working on some hl2 mods myself
Ooooo...send me em when they are done inf! I wanna hear some decent industrial/experimental music when kicking serious ass! :)

Posted: 18/03/2005 - 19:52
by betelzeus
Something else had just popped in my head recently that i was kinda wondering about. I thought I had noticed that on some remixes they would have the 'Original Composer/Remixer' in the composer section and I was a bit curious about that.

Also ... sorta along the same line i guess ... emm ... say the Toy Bizarre remix, for example , since the original tune is so short (about 7 seconds i think) ... would that be more along the lines of 'extrapolated from the original tune by ...' ) (or interpolated or something o-lated lol :? ) or would that just be just be listed normally as the others are?

I'm not sure what i'm talking about haha :shock: emm ... i think seeing some of the songs with the original composer/remixer listed under the composer section just got me wondering a bit ...or emm ...something heh

Anyways ... games-wise ... I hadn't heard of Treadmarks before so I went and checked it out ... looks like a pretty cool game eh ... haven't played it yet though ... and speaking of games ... I've been itchin to play bard's tale 2 now hahah ... :roll:

Dunno if anyone knows or remembers or something but emm ... is the Amiga version different than the C64 version of bard's tale 2 ?? ... I never did have an amiga :( i dunno ....

Posted: 18/03/2005 - 21:20
by Chris Abbott
In ID3 terms, the "composer" is always the guy who did the original tune. The "performer" is the guy who remixed it. If enough original stuff is added, then the remixer might feel brave enough to claim co-composer status, but the original tune composer should never be left out. Unfortunately all too often people take the tune and forget the original composers, which IMHO is unforgiveable.
