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BIT Live 2004 DVD progress

Posted: 18/03/2005 - 15:11
by beyond
A little bit of info for you hungry BIT Live fans out there: The PPOT sound is now almost done. Søren has been mastering all the tunes and touching up a little bit here and there. Right now the video editing is progressing in a more or less steady pace---with five tracks it does take some time to check that all the good stuff is in the final result. Too, we have a couple of tricks up our sleaves that we won't spoil just yet... if at all... but we are working on them ;-)

And without giving away too much this apply to the Visa Röster part too, if it is not completely done. I know Pex has been working a lot and from what I have seen from his hands it is going to be a brilliant part of the DVD. There are many really great moments and of course the singing is brilliant!

So hang in there :)


Posted: 18/03/2005 - 16:05
by Kenz
Great stuff Theo - can't wait to see the finished PPOT set. :D

I've been working on the Mafia footage and have so far synched up all the five camerafeeds to remastered audio supplied by Mr Skitz. Once I've chosen the best shots from each camera I'll work some Chortles-esque editing magic on the mafia set for some quality DVD content. I've actually booked some time off work for this cos I'd love to give everyone who is coming to the Z-Show anniversary a sneaky peek*.

* (Not guaranteed this will happen but I'll do me best!)

(BTW, Theo, some Z-Show CDs are winging their way to Jesper RIGHT NOW - they went in the post this week.) :)

Posted: 18/03/2005 - 16:58
by Chris Abbott

Posted: 18/03/2005 - 17:52
by dan gillgrass
Kenz wrote:who is coming to the Z-Show anniversary a sneaky peek*.

* (Not guaranteed this will happen but I'll do me best!)

Posted: 18/03/2005 - 19:02
by Subzero
/me books bus for worcester


Posted: 20/04/2005 - 7:00
by tony.rc
Will the BIT-DVD be ready by mid-2005 as planned?

Kenz told me that some good material from BIT Brighton 2003 was salvage
(including Rob's section).

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 7:58
by Boz
Hi Tony,

Yes, the DVD is on schedule, although a little later than was advertised because of new material I've got me grubby mitts on!

Just want to make sure we all agree on an official date before I say it out loud though!

Posted: 21/04/2005 - 12:18
by Mayhem
The Future! Perfectly accurate date there :P

Posted: 22/04/2005 - 8:57
by Matrix
Cash is waiting :)

Posted: 05/05/2005 - 8:25
by zerozillion
i WANT this dvd now. i need it. i have $. pweeeeeezeee!

Posted: 08/06/2005 - 8:14
by ElliotM
I cannot wait....can anyone confirm whether any of the BIT 2003 footage will be included yet?

Posted: 08/06/2005 - 8:27
by Chris Abbott
Some. Rob Hubbard will be on it, for instance.


Posted: 08/06/2005 - 13:14
by ElliotM
Thanks Chris....lets hope this DVD is a really good seller for you :)

Posted: 08/06/2005 - 16:53
by dbfm
/me will definitely be buying the DVD!

Posted: 14/06/2005 - 13:52
by madfiddler
Hopefully at least some SID80s too, since we did a better set in 03 than 04