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Trent Reznor on your remix?

Posted: 16/04/2005 - 21:41
by sumppi
As everyone who follows any geek or music websites knows, Nine Inch Nails released their newest single "The Hand That Feeds" as an Apple GarageBand file today. It contains 17 tracks that can be used for pretty much anything noncommercial.

The package (70 megs): ... geband.sit

Instructions on getting access to the files on Windows: ... d=12256118

...and a clip of my 15 minute test with a work in progress remix and Trent's vocals:

Have fun :)


Posted: 16/04/2005 - 21:57
by Kenz
Hehe, I had to send out about 300 of those NIN singles last week - ouch my aching body! :)

Re: Trent Reznor on your remix?

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 10:22
by Waz
sumppi wrote: ...and a clip of my 15 minute test with a work in progress remix and Trent's vocals:
Really nice this. I'd really like to hear you do a NIN-style C64 remix. If you feel like inspiration, have a listen to my industrial C64 remix:


As recommended by Dan (apparently:)

Re: Trent Reznor on your remix?

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 10:38
by Slaygon
sumppi wrote:...and a clip of my 15 minute test with a work in progress remix and Trent's vocals:
I got a bit carried away and recorded a very short snippet on my own yesterday.
Not Trent, and crappy levels, but it was fun. =)

And no, I've never done any singing before, so it's basically still crap. Good practice object though. =)

Posted: 28/04/2005 - 18:09
by oneone2029
Kenz wrote:Hehe, I had to send out about 300 of those NIN singles last week - ouch my aching body! :)
Do you work at MNS then Kenz ?

Re: Trent Reznor on your remix?

Posted: 28/04/2005 - 21:59
by dan gillgrass
wazzaw wrote: As recommended by Dan (apparently:)
Eh? wasnt me guv! damn, still never got around to doing that beavis and butthead demo with that tune... oh well... you never know....