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Again *zzzZZZzzz* Subtune 4 from Parallax

Posted: 17/04/2005 - 11:08
by Sensible-Sound
Hi there: do not be angry with me,i did it again ;-)
After an year working on some Popsongs i am back for a remix.
Nothing big or brilliant,but i hope you enjoy it :-)

Best regard


Posted: 17/04/2005 - 11:47
by Kenz
A very nice and laid-back approach to the Galway classic ...

That's one for the wind-down on tonights Z-Show methinks! :D

Posted: 17/04/2005 - 12:14
by tas
Hey Daniel.

Nice remix as always, nice original take on the great Galway classic :)

Posted: 17/04/2005 - 15:01
by Sensible-Sound
thank you m8s - thats the engery for the musician to keep working :)

Upload Problem

Posted: 19/04/2005 - 19:08
by Sensible-Sound
Hi there,

i need help from one of the Admins. I tried to upload my new remix and here is what happenend:
the upload himself worked,but processing the song the page said "Your file failed to process,please contact the siteop" . Ok,i used the form to contact,but keeping in mind my communication problem with chris abbott i have the strange feeling my and yours domain sadly have a general communication problem. one day later i tried to upload again - same error.ok , i though: just try an direct e-mail to kwed"AT" asking for help. today a got an infomail :
"This message was created automatically by mail delivery software (Exim).

A message that you sent has not yet been delivered to one or more of its recipients after more than 24 hours on the queue on"

..."Delay reason: Connection refused".

I have the feeling that the mail won't reach you even after a week. since the mailheader also shows that your system even wasn't contacted i think i have to figure this out with my provider. therefore i wouldn't help to contact the postmaster or hostmaster of your domain too.

for me ,at moment , this board seems the only way to contact you.can you help with the upload ?
sorry for spamming your board with this boring stuff. if similiar problems allready discussed elsewhere on the board i am really pleased by a link :-)
otherwise i will be happy about your help.
Sidpath of the song:
Subtune 4
Ready for download here
my arranger name is d.spronk
thank you for your help/hints

kind regards

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 6:35
by LMan
Hey Sensible Sound, AFAIK Kwed's mailbox crashed and is currently not working. I'll direct him to this thread. :)

Re: Upload Problem

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 7:41
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Daniel, first off I want to clear something up; e-mails sent through the RKO contact form aren't affected by any general communication problems your mailbox might suffer.

That being said, in a bizarre coincidence my mailbox has decided to take a dive. Plus Baffle has yet to find the time to reenable my remote access to the server, so I can't even log in to divert e-mails to another account. (Of coz, now that LMan has enabled private-messages on the R64 board you'll be able to get hold of me that way.)

As for your upload problem, the "failed to process" message should be followed by a more detailed error description? Either way I can't look into it (or a bug thats turned up in the jury download) before remote access is reenabled.

Nothing to do right now but dig into the trenches and wait it out, I'm afraid.

P.S.: Nice relaxed version of Parallax. :D

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 15:46
by Vosla
Interesting version, should make Galway proud. :)

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 15:58
by Sensible-Sound
A first thank to you both for the reply :)

@regarding your mailbox: good to know i am not the only one with it-problems. I'll keep my fingers crossed ;-)

@regarding your comment on my song : thank you very much :D

And here is what the is reporting after the upload is finished:

"Uploaded file: D.Spronk - Parallax Vocoded - Subtune 4.mp3Galway_Martin/Parallax.sid: Valid HVSC 5.9 file.
Analysing file...Filetype: mp3
Duration: 3:10
Bitrate: 128000
Samplerate: 44100
Successfully erased old ID3v1/v2 tags...
Successfully added ID3v1/v2 tags...
Your file failed to proccess. Please contant the siteop."

To fullfill the last statement was hard work ;-)

If i can help with solving the problem just leave me a message on the board.
I will await further instructions :-)

Kind regards

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 16:01
by Sensible-Sound
@Vosla : thanks :-) I hope Martin will be pleased if he hears the version . That would be good motivation for more remixes ;-)

Posted: 25/04/2005 - 9:29
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Sensible-Sound wrote: And here is what the is reporting after the upload is finished:

"Uploaded file: D.Spronk - Parallax Vocoded - Subtune 4.mp3Galway_Martin/Parallax.sid: Valid HVSC 5.9 file.
Analysing file...Filetype: mp3
Duration: 3:10
Bitrate: 128000
Samplerate: 44100
Successfully erased old ID3v1/v2 tags...
Successfully added ID3v1/v2 tags...
Your file failed to proccess. Please contant the siteop."

To fullfill the last statement was hard work ;-)

If i can help with solving the problem just leave me a message on the board. I will await further instructions :-)
Most odd. That error message is printed if the file fails to copy from the temporary upload directory to the queue ditto. I'll have to look into it as soon as I receive the new password for the box from baffle. :D

Posted: 25/04/2005 - 19:21
by Sensible-Sound
OK, thank you very much :-). Just tell me when i should try another upload.
Btw: the temporary folder must be full of my remix-files. i tried it more than once :D