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Might be around has changed big style

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 7:06
by Subzero
Just thought I'd let everyone know that this week my life changed dramatically, so I might not be around as much...

My wife of 9 years, partner for 13 - has left me for another man, im left alone - being on the internet is the last thing on my list for the moment, but if you see me hanging around on msn (usually first thing in the morning or last thing at night now) Please give me a shout - speaking to people right now is helping me come to terms with my grief...

So if you dont see me online, theres always september.....

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 7:09
by tony.rc
I honestly don't know what to say but hanging there and all the best Subzero!

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 8:48
by LMan
Oh no this is terrible. My deep sympathy to you. :(

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 8:48
by Slaygon
Sorry to hear this. :/

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 10:23
by trace
Sorry to hear that mate :(

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 12:24
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
I don't know what to say... Take care, Sub. I'm sending you my best, warmest thoughts!

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 13:23
by tas
After being there myself some years ago, i can only have the fullest sympathy for you. Hang in the pal, and good luck. You know where i am if you need some one to talk to.

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 13:29
by Retrovertigo
My heart goes out to you Sub, it really does. :(

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 14:04
by Chris Abbott
:shock: :cry:

[edit] Did she take the baby? That's awful :(

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 14:20
by Subzero
Yes, my son is with her too :cry:

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 15:19
by Larsec
Very sad to hear that, sub... Hang inthere, pal...

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 15:24
by Vosla
Oh, Shit! Terrible news, mate! :(
Dunno what to say... :/

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 16:30
by Romeo Knight
How fucked up is that!? :nonono:
Keep your tail up!

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 18:18
by Makke
Shit that seriously sucks, Sub. :(

Just hang in there and I'm sure all will eventually turn out for the best.

Posted: 20/04/2005 - 18:47
by sumppi
Really sorry to hear that Sub...

I know it all sounds so cliché at the moment, but life has a weird way of working out somehow eventually.

Take care,
