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Re Neils "We are getting older"Editorial

Posted: 29/04/2005 - 21:54
by M.A.F

That must be the most depressing editorial by you i have ever read.

Do you really believe you are now an OLD MAN having walked this earth for the sum total of only 33 years? In those 33 years there are have been roughly only about 16 years where you have been able to make decisions about what you want to do with your life.

Those years have produced good and bad,the same as myself (im 33 aswell since January 24th) but i dont feel that im now one of the "oldies" just because of a number. Do you rememmber a song from the early nineties i think(god im so old :shock: ) called "Age Aint Nuthin' But A Number"?
You probably dont you old b****r but thats how i look at it.

Im still the same person ive always been,same personality,same interests,but i progress and enjoy new things(not slippers). I love music and i love or loath new bands and sounds on merit as i have always done. I dont jump on "band"wagons cos i think its looked on as cool to like them,its because i DO like them.

What im saying is Neil,dont swith off just because you are a 30 something now mate!

It means nothing. Chin up mate,you only die once and its a long time before that happens :)

Posted: 30/04/2005 - 2:38
by tas
I think you and indeed a few others read too much into the editorial this month to be honest. It was my intention to raise light on something that probably will happen in the future.. be it near future or distant future. It certainly raised debate, which is a good thing.

I have no problem with being 33, infact these last two years 32/33 have been the best for me since i was in my early 20's.

The editorial wasn't infact intended to be depressing as such although obviously it reads that way, but more of an opportunistic approach to what could happen in the future.

Thanks for your words though non the less... It would have cheered me up no end, if i actually felt depressed ;)

Posted: 10/05/2005 - 1:07
by honorabili
By the time that we're truly obsolete, then reality itself will be. By then just slip into the net and cast magic missile... wait a darn minute, that can happen already. "Meet Deja Vu..." "Have we met before??" :D

Posted: 10/05/2005 - 14:20
by Mayhem
I'm only 30 and already I'm "getting on a bit" :P

Now starts the middle phase of life... when we fear the future and look back to what's gone :lol:

Posted: 17/05/2005 - 7:05
by Thunderer
Old people are simply young people that have been around longer!

Posted: 17/05/2005 - 10:23
by xo
Mayhem wrote:Now starts the middle phase of life... when we fear the future and look back to what's gone :lol:
Ahh those were the days, when we thought of the future. :lol:


Posted: 22/05/2005 - 8:38
by 1337
A person is only as old as s/he feels. I know people of your age and older than you who still go out with their mates and enjoy themselves, so I highly doubt that being the other side of thirty is a negative thing.