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Another Question ...

Posted: 06/05/2005 - 10:06
by betelzeus
I've been wanting to post one of my original tunes in the Other Releases section ... but emm ... well there are a few things i guess ...

First emm ... About posting original work on the internet ... emm ... honestly I've always had a kinda fear of someone swipe-ing original works and pawning it off as their own ... (Not that anyone would want to swipe my 'stuff' anyway hahah .... or ya know .. i dunno if it's even good enough to be swiped ... that probobaly sounds kinda wierd :lol: )

I mean i don't think anyone here would do that , but it being a public forum and all i guess it kinda brings that fear to the surface ... anyways ... emm ... How does one protect his works? ... I mean the song i want to post isn't exactly complete , like most everything i write :roll: ... I mean i know people get things copyrighted ... but i don't really know too much about that ... besides that that's what you do to protect your work and prove that you wrote it .... but emm ... I don't release things commercially ... it'd be nice i guess ... but that's just dreaming i guess .... :confusion: ... i mean emm ... I'm just a guy that happens to give a go at writing a bit at times :duh: ....

Anyways ...i dunno what the hell I'm talking about now :lol: ... but emmm ... oh the other thing i was wondering about ... Does anyone know a good place to upload a song to? ... and since i guess it's a work in progress ... it only needs to be temporary i guess ... or something i dunno ... emm ...
I can upload mp3s to my space that my isp gives me ... but I'm not sure ...but i think somehow it rips all the ID3 info out ... and leaves nothing ... so that kinda sucks ...

Anyways ... thanks for reading eh ... and any help would be greatly appreicated,


Posted: 06/05/2005 - 14:15
by Chris Abbott

(a) It's unlikely you'll be ripped off, and actually having released a tune and got witnesses is probably the best way of proving your claim in real life.

(b) Dunno where you can upload songs, but I think there's loads of places.


Posted: 06/05/2005 - 18:50
by betelzeus
Chris Abbott wrote:Um...
I'm guessing with that Um... that that was a bit much :) ... sorry not much sleep and I just tend to have a bit too much energy at times (yeah that's a good excuse hahah)

I guess now would be an appropriate time to use this icon :duh: ... and now would probably be a really good time to laugh at myself :oops:
Chris Abbott wrote:actually having released a tune and got witnesses is probably the best way of proving your claim in real life.
I never really thought about it like that i guess DOH :slap: .... good point eh. :)
Chris Abbott wrote:(b) Dunno where you can upload songs, but I think there's loads of places.
Alrighty ... I'll look around bit ...

Thanks for the reply and for putting up with my general craziness hahah :cheers:

P.S. Gotta love this emoticons .... and this one :rock: is just flippin hilarious hahah