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slayradio demo :)

Posted: 16/05/2005 - 18:53
by octave-sounds
hi there everybody :)

if you haven't downloaded the slayradio demo yet then get on over to : :)
and see the demo coded by octave sounds with dj's who present on slayradio with shows of the zshow,saturday night warmup,rewind and loads more plus listen to a great track by sonic wanderer! :)


ps : before running the demo pls make sure you have the latest drivers for your pc and give it a few secs for the demo to come on :)

Posted: 16/05/2005 - 19:07
by zerozillion
not working here :-/

Posted: 16/05/2005 - 19:42
by octave-sounds
hi there zerozillion see above in first post if having any problems :)

or email me at : if your still having problems with the demo :)


Posted: 16/05/2005 - 19:45
by merman
It's fun, but... my only criticism would be how slowly it changes between people...

Posted: 16/05/2005 - 19:55
by octave-sounds
hi merman yeah somebody else mentioned about that after putting it online will make a note of that for the next one oops slipped up there :wink: hehe

Posted: 16/05/2005 - 20:20
by Kenz
Doesn't work for me (in WinXP or Win2K!) :(

Posted: 16/05/2005 - 20:57
by octave-sounds
hi kenz double check above in first post about drivers has a few people at first couldnt get it working until they checked their drivers for their pc etc plus other people using xp and win2000 os's which i tested it on has had it working fine) :)


Posted: 16/05/2005 - 21:07
by tas
ok, i'm a tad drunk... cant find it... will try again when i know who you are ;)

Posted: 16/05/2005 - 21:16
by octave-sounds
Tas wrote:ok, i'm a tad drunk... cant find it... will try again when i know who you are ;)
LOL :lol:

Posted: 17/05/2005 - 7:29
by Kenz
Umm, which particular drivers should I be looking at? I'm running a brand new install of XP and all my other stuff seems to work ... !

Posted: 17/05/2005 - 9:31
by octave-sounds
hi kenz when trying too start the demo what error are you getting? (if you are getting any or is it just not running at all could you give me more info on this mate)

diagnostics checklist:

1. try your graphics cards drivers (manufacturers own drivers as some people have had a problem with it at first and make sure your card can set a res of 800,600,16 which all cards should do anyways)

2. check your directx drivers latest being 9.0c

3. after checking your drivers make sure nothing else is running in the background which might be stopping the demo from running

just a few quick things to check over hope this helps give me a shout if not :)

Posted: 21/05/2005 - 21:09
by Subzero
takes nearly a minute to load folks......worth the wait.....i didnt think it was working for me either!!!