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seen SWEP3 yet??

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 12:58
by Subzero
if you have - post your comments, likes/dislikes here...

I thought it was amazing, from start to finish....anakins transformation to vader was pretty graphic too :) I now rate this one as my 2nd favourite star wars movie, empire still being tops :)

note: for the thickies - SWEP3 = star wars episode 3 :D

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 13:09
by beyond
I saw it yesterday and it is really, really good.

Probably also #2 with ESB as #1 :)


Posted: 20/05/2005 - 13:51
by Chris Abbott
I thought it was quite nice. They should do a sequel: it would probably do quite well.


Posted: 20/05/2005 - 13:52
by Retrovertigo
I loved it. Really didn't expect it to that good. Usual hammy acting and altogether seemed a bit rushed, but at the same time, was everything i'd wanted i to be.


Posted: 20/05/2005 - 14:53
by FunkyM
That there Ep 3, that was a PROPER Star Wars movie. Not like some movie about a stroppy teenager whining about he's being held BACK! or some crap about Django Fett, or Midi-bloomin'-chlorians, this one hooked from the start and kept ya hooked! Bring on the DVD releases! :D

I loved it :)

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 18:24
by Subzero
Chris Abbott wrote:I thought it was quite nice. They should do a sequel: it would probably do quite well.

stop repeating yourself christopher nugent abbott

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 19:01
by tas
off to see it on Sunday, i hope it is as good as you lot say it is, i hold many reservations after the disapointments of EP1 and EP2.

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 19:01
by Chris Abbott
subzero wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:I thought it was quite nice. They should do a sequel: it would probably do quite well.

stop repeating yourself christopher nugent abbott
Not here I didn't :) You just spend far too much time on forums ;-)


Posted: 20/05/2005 - 19:06
by tas
What did you say? ;)

Posted: 20/05/2005 - 21:29
by Chris Abbott
Not here I didn't You just spend far too much time on forums