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Who'll get 0 points?

Posted: 21/05/2005 - 17:47
by tas
I know many people hate it, but i've always enjoyed the Eurovision. Germany traditionally have always done quite bad although not too long ago we had the accoladae of nil points.

Ireland, who have won it more times than you can shake a chicken leg at havn't even made the finals... SHOCK!

UK entry is quite good, but no winner...

Malta imho stands a good chance of winning it.

love or hate it?

Posted: 21/05/2005 - 18:39
by zerozillion
i'm so glad that our austrian band "gloabl kryner" got thrown out. ( ) i wonder how they even got that far...

Posted: 22/05/2005 - 4:32
by Vosla
Eurovision? Couldn't care less... :puke:

Posted: 22/05/2005 - 11:08
by merman
The interesting thing is that the four biggest funders of Eurovision (Spain, France, Germany, the UK) ended up in the bottom four...

Posted: 23/05/2005 - 3:32
by tony.rc
I happenned to catch some of Eurovision and honest I had not idea what I was watching lastnight, at least Terry Wogan sorted me out.

I think Terry referred to Germany as aweful and his comment about other countries voting for their neighbours was amusing.

Not to mention a few drop-dead gorgeous women presenting the votes. :shock:

Posted: 23/05/2005 - 11:26
by Chappers
tony.rc wrote:Not to mention a few drop-dead gorgeous women presenting the votes. :shock:
That's right, but the UK did draw the short straw with getting Cheryl Baker to deliver their votes. Bloody Cheryl Baker! Not only well past her best but topped her appearance with a couple of cringeworthy moments (as they cut to her):

Cheryl: Hello, just enjoying a glass of Buck's Fizz and the UK has been making its mind up...

I'm paraphrasing a bit there but you get the idea what she came out with before launching into the votes bit. Made me want to eat my own hair... :roll:

Although extremely gorgeous, that female co-presenter made me laugh. She had this real high-pitched sing song voice which prompted me to see whether the male co-presenter would drop his guard and cringe at the nearby screeching in his ear.

There were some admittedly catchy songs but it was nice to see that the majority of the women singing were doing their bit to promote the showing of cleavage in the world. Might have been some music in there as well but I'm not sure. :wink:
merman wrote:The interesting thing is that the four biggest funders of Eurovision (Spain, France, Germany, the UK) ended up in the bottom four...
Add to that the fact that all 4 songs were, IMHO, a bit crap. I was sweating a bit until we got bailed out by Ireland. :)

Posted: 23/05/2005 - 12:59
by Chris Abbott
Tanya thought that the guy presenting it was a bit of a sour bastard: kept needling the people giving the scores and making faces.

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 10:21
by n3mo
Eurovision?? Big commercial-flop.....

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 12:49
by LMan
Well frankly I wonder why we Germany always send our worst artists to the song contest. I guess it's because the good ones don't care about it. :)

Btw, the german singer had the advantage of riding on a hype for being in a casting show before. That's why she had won the pre-voting in Germany - but her song was simply a pile of crap...

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 17:31
by tom
LMan / Remix64 wrote:.... but her song was simply a pile of crap...
I second that and she wasn't a sight for sore eyes, too :D

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 19:34
by Chris Abbott
> I second that and she wasn't a sight for sore eyes, too
She was like the ugly lovechild of Cher and Herman Munster.


Posted: 24/05/2005 - 20:06
by tom
Chris Abbott wrote:She was like the ugly lovechild of Cher and Herman Munster.


yes indeed !!!!!!