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Back In Time Lite / RV Mini September 2005 in MANCHESTER!

Posted: 22/05/2005 - 18:53
by RetroMarkie

Posted: 22/05/2005 - 19:34
by dan gillgrass
Game on! I am there!!!!

Posted: 22/05/2005 - 19:42
by Subzero
Dont know if i am.....

Posted: 22/05/2005 - 20:05
by tomsk
Me too ! Looking forward to it already :)

Posted: 22/05/2005 - 20:17
by RetroMarkie
Basically we have a fuckin awesome weekend planned begining on the Friday! Beers, Curry, Rehersal! ... so much!

Details soon from Chris I'm sure ;-)

Posted: 22/05/2005 - 20:39
by Subzero
if you'd made it the 17th we could have had a double party - coz dats me burfday!!!!!

Posted: 22/05/2005 - 22:58
by Chris Abbott
Tickets now available at No, honest!


Posted: 23/05/2005 - 8:39
by DHS
I'm not. Manchester is too problematic. sorry.

Posted: 23/05/2005 - 8:49
by Chris Abbott
DHS wrote:I'm not. Manchester is too problematic. sorry.
Never mind. At least you managed one BIT Live (just sorry it was the one where you had to stand outside) :roll:


Posted: 23/05/2005 - 8:52
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Chris Abbott wrote:Tickets now available at No, honest!
Oo-er! Manchester. It's grand up north.

Two caveats, though: I have to pass a 70-315 certification on september 9th, and someone needs to decide whether their graduation party is gonna be on the 10-11th or the weekend before.

Assuming thats gets sorted out, I'm so there.

Posted: 23/05/2005 - 9:09
by DHS
Chris Abbott wrote:
DHS wrote:I'm not. Manchester is too problematic. sorry.
Never mind. At least you managed one BIT Live (just sorry it was the one where you had to stand outside) :roll:

Actually, 2. I was at the first one too :)

Posted: 23/05/2005 - 9:10
by Chris Abbott
Oh yeah, you even bought your theme along on CD to give to me!

*slaps head* How could I forget?


Posted: 23/05/2005 - 9:38
by Subzero
coz your as thick as mince perhaps?? ;)

Posted: 23/05/2005 - 12:21
by tas
Manchester is problematic?

How comes DHS?

Massive airport there, and ofcourse i think there's cheap flights from italy to the massively titled: Doncaster, Sheffield Robin Hood International Airport.

*takes deep breath*

and for that matter, any others planning on flying into the North should check out here:

If your country is listed then you can fly via thomsonfly which a low budget airline and massively cheaper than flying into Manchester Airport.

Posted: 23/05/2005 - 12:57
by Chris Abbott
subzero wrote:coz your as thick as mince perhaps?? ;)
Thsat's prohably itls.
