Synths are all very nice but.........

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Synths are all very nice but.........

Post by tomsk »

Hopefully this might work....:) The new addition to the Tomsk household - and quite chuffed I am about it too :) ... iano_1.jpg
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Post by n3mo »

Really a neat piano... ^^

Old, rustish, unique, retro... ^^
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Post by tas »

i hope you and your piano have a lovelly life together and you sprout many little harpsicords and live happily ever after :)
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Post by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson »

That's a great looking piano! Mine is a little bit smaller and more modern (German quality all through!)

I'm looking forward to hearing your "knucklebusters" the piano version, and not the PSX version this time! 8)
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Post by 1337 »

Cool piano... looks like an expensive one.

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Post by Makke »

That's a beauty, Tomsk! :D
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Post by Vosla »

That's a nice piece of a music sprouting device! :mrgreen:
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Post by tomsk »

Thanks chaps and chapesses ;)

I've been after a piano for sooo long. This one used to belong to a music teacher who lived in Leeds but used this when she was living in Newcastle (She had a mini grand back home !!!)

@ Mahoney

Knucklebusters - lol ! (wonders how I'd do the pitch bends!). This is German too (as far as I know) and it's recently been re-strung, and I'm sure you'll agree the sound from one of these things can just melt your heart !

Thanks for your comments. I don't want to appear to be showing off - I just wanted to spead the good news amonst my friends here.

For me, this is one more notch from the "to do in my lifetime" list. :)


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Post by tony.rc »

Very nice Tomsk! :shock:

Did you umm and arr about it before making the purchase?
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