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Artura (Dublin Delight Mix) feat. Andreas Wallström

Posted: 17/07/2005 - 22:39
by Makke
Here's a little something for you. It's a remix of Ben Daglish's Artura (tune #2). I was initally going to re-record the lyrics and do a bit of changing to the arrangement, but since I just reinstalled Windows I don't know when I'll have everything up and running as normal again. So I decided to upload it to RKO "as is". While waiting for it to pop up, you can grab it here. :) ... lstrom.mp3

Thanks to Mr. Andreas Wallström who provided excellent percussion to it. Here are the lyrics:
The night was cold and bitter
He was looking for an inn
When the devil shined before him
Showing off an awful grin

The demon spake "You're frozen"
And he nodded to the beast
"A fee so small" the dark one said
"Can make your life a feast"

Come within these walls of mine
Before the frost thee bite
Grab yourself a bottle of wine
And drink it with delight

Come within these walls of mine
Before the frost thee bite
At me table you will dine
Get yourself another pint

Well the young man said "don't bother
Soon I'll find an inn
Because your home and castle
Is built on wicked sin"

The Devil looked offended
As the offer was denied
But still he opened up the door
And invited him inside

The demon kept on preaching
"I can make you whole"
"And all I ask of you, good sir
Is your immortal soul"

The dark one asked "Are you not tempted?"
He said "Not the least!"
For little did the devil know
the man talking was a priest
I hope you'll enjoy it!

Posted: 17/07/2005 - 23:25
by ifadeo


Posted: 18/07/2005 - 7:07
by skitz
The Man of a Thousand Voices does it again! You really are "a mystery wrapped in an enigma" Makke!

Now get that fricken album out now!!

Posted: 18/07/2005 - 14:18
by Aero
wow, i really like this one. Keep it up makke. This is one of best i have heard of your tunes. Perhaps i little more tweaking but nothing to worry too much about :)

Posted: 18/07/2005 - 14:29
by merman
Nice work, and I'm really looking forward to the album!

Posted: 18/07/2005 - 14:49
by Dr.Future
Album! Album! Album! Image

Posted: 18/07/2005 - 15:28
by beyond

Posted: 18/07/2005 - 16:11
by Romeo Knight
Album? Great. This is an amazing piece of music again.

Posted: 18/07/2005 - 16:14
by dan gillgrass

Posted: 18/07/2005 - 17:05
by DHS
Great (as usual)!

Posted: 18/07/2005 - 21:12
by Vosla
premium stuff! :D

Posted: 18/07/2005 - 21:14
by Chris Abbott
Makke, we need to talk ;-)

Posted: 19/07/2005 - 15:30
by devilhood
:cheers: I come back from my break to Ireland and end up being graced with this marvellous track.
Love the bit from 1:30 onwards especially :D

Posted: 19/07/2005 - 20:47
by kjetiln
Wow, I must say that this is one of the coolest remixes I have ever heard. Heh, I just played lots of irish tunes on my irish flute less than an hour ago, and then I downloaded this. And guess who took the flute back up and started playing along with this tune as backing track? :D
A really great and fun tune!!

Posted: 20/07/2005 - 10:19
by Makke
Hi guys!

Glad you all liked the tune. :)

Now, I've got to try to remember and bring the CD to send to Chris with some more stuff for the album so we can get this puppy out for sale. ;)