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A couple of remixes by Nada

Posted: 31/07/2005 - 13:32
by nada
...My first remixes to be released in this site:
a) Ghouls'n'Ghosts (subtune 9)
b) BMX Kidz
I'm eagerly waiting for listeners' feedback and suggestions. Enjoy!

Posted: 31/07/2005 - 23:54
by Feekzoid

I really like both of these, the beginning of the BMX kidz cover starts it makes me think of something that wouldnt be amiss in the "Ocean's 11" movie soundtrack!

The Ghouls track... tho being quite an alternative take on the original tune which I love to death is still very good to my ears, I like it a lot even tho its not a direct arrangement/cover per se.

Great work!

Posted: 01/08/2005 - 13:51
by nada
Feekzoid wrote:Hi!

I really like both of these, the beginning of the BMX kidz cover starts it makes me think of something that wouldnt be amiss in the "Ocean's 11" movie soundtrack!

The Ghouls track... tho being quite an alternative take on the original tune which I love to death is still very good to my ears, I like it a lot even tho its not a direct arrangement/cover per se.

Great work!
Many thanks for the feedback Feekzoid...
It was Ghouls'n'Ghosts music that haunted me and made me do a remix. There are earlier versions I've made (2002), I listened to them again recently and I must say, I like them more...but then, back in 2002, I couldn't imagine there was such a site where I could upload them and share them with other retro freaks like me!

Posted: 01/08/2005 - 16:27
by devilhood
BMX Kidz has a really nice jazzy laid back feel to it, love the drum track btw, extremely well arranged especially from 1:48 onwards. The synth at the start on the left channel is too thin imho, maybe if it was layered with something it would work better.
I think the lossy MP3 compression is effecting my general opinion on this though.

The Ghouls 'n Ghosts track is another one with a laid back approach, you have real nice feel to your mixes. The production side of things could be improved a little though, use a mastering plugin that can beef up the end result, something like Waves L2 or TC-RackS would work well.
It just needs more ooooommmpppphhffff and definition! :P

Nice stuff,


Posted: 02/08/2005 - 8:48
by nada
devilhood wrote:The synth at the start on the left channel is too thin imho, maybe if it was layered with something it would work better.

That's the start of the original SID tune; I decided to leave it as it is, although it seems that it affects the remix as a whole. BTW, thanks for the mastering plugin suggestions, I didn't know there were such programs (I'm completely lame when it comes to computer usage!!!).

Posted: 02/08/2005 - 9:23
by tas
Hey Nada...

As i marked one of your tunes as "Outstanding" and the other "Very good" it was really down to my enjoyment of the tracks and the ideas used.. Yeah there's issues with even the outstanding vote - but for me and as i said on my remarks for the track i just think it rocks. Improving certain areas which has been highlighted above would be something we would all love.

There's deffinitely potential there and i will be keeping a close eye out for further mixes.. Keep it up

Posted: 07/08/2005 - 18:30
by nada
Tas wrote:Hey Nada...

As i marked one of your tunes as "Outstanding" and the other "Very good" it was really down to my enjoyment of the tracks and the ideas used.. Yeah there's issues with even the outstanding vote - but for me and as i said on my remarks for the track i just think it rocks. Improving certain areas which has been highlighted above would be something we would all love.

There's deffinitely potential there and i will be keeping a close eye out for further mixes.. Keep it up
The main issue is that I am an amateur musician. Remixing and making music in general is a great way for me to do something interesting in my otherwise not-so-interesting life. Another major problem is that I cannot afford the proper equipment (as I wrote somewhere else in the forum, my HiFi has car speakers, thus making proper mastering almost impossible). When I finish a tune, I immediately begin popping around friends' houses to check its sound on other HiFis. There are instances when I have done numerous major changes to a track, making therefore mastering lasting ten times the actual composition time!
My ideas and my love for making music were my only assistants. That's why I chose to upload my tunes, so that I would get feedback from people who know about remixing, music production and computers. Either way, uploading my stuff in Remix64 sounded a brilliant idea instead of listening to them on my own at home!
Thankfully, I got many great responses from Remix64 members and I put my self on a way to take advantage of my potential (which I, honestly, never imagined I had, until you told me) and make better music for all of you there.
Your comments are one of the few things that make my day.

Keep sending me your suggestions please and bear in mind that I always take them seriously in account. In a few words, this is pro help for an amateur. Invaluable.