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Posted: 02/08/2005 - 23:00
by Maindrian
I've had this itching to do a remix recently. I've been listening to a lot of the wierder stuff by Kjell Nordbø, like "Strange, Sweet Little Linn", "Died" "Killer" and "Struggle". Some of it is either incredibly aggressive or strangely creepy. I was thinking of a medley of the above tunes.

Here's the rub. I want to do something arty and bizzare. Somewhere between Aphex Twin and Sonic Youth. Static, feedback, distorted vocals, scratches and unpleasant noise being the order of the day, with melody just breaking through at key moments. More atmosphere than music, deliberatly lo-fi and I imagine it would be pretty hard to listen to. So, is it worth it? Would anyone get it? Would anyone want it?

I have to ask, because I'm not sure I've heard any remixes like what I have in mind before. And yes, you could argue that quite a few of my remixes were unpleasant noise too... :lol:

Posted: 03/08/2005 - 8:32
by Chris Abbott
I guess the purist answer is that if you want to hear it, then do it, and don't worry about the reception.

I think Waz would like it ;-)


Posted: 03/08/2005 - 9:10
by DHS
Why don't you simply do the music you like to do?

Posted: 03/08/2005 - 20:07
by Vosla
Just do it.
The casualities are counted after the battle. :wink:

Posted: 04/08/2005 - 2:22
by Maindrian
Fair dos. You know not what you've let yourself in for though. I've just started the fist half of Strange Little Linn using a nylon string guitar with my microphone strapped to it, all put though a distortion pedal. It sounds dirty like you wouldn't believe. I love it!

Posted: 15/08/2005 - 10:35
by Maindrian
Status report: So far I got three parts.

The intro to "Strange Sweet Little Linn". As I said, guitar and distorted microphone, bare bones acoustic with some reverb and delayed electric in places. Put a cd of some of my stranger sound mash-ups on in the background while recording the rythm. You can just barely hear talking over the fuzz of the mic. I think its from the Quincy punk-rock episode.

The intro to "Dead". Tuned the bottom strings all the way down to C, recorded about nine or ten rough stabs and looped it with the drums, bass and synth. Finally, recorded the lead guitar with extreme distortion, amped it and added a really vicious delay effect to try and capture that same rise and fall effect the sid had. It's rather abstract. Basically sounds like some kind of dinosaur howling over a dead repetition. This is the part I was worried about, but I think it's a good rendition of a pretty wierd tune.

Finally, I have a third part nearly complete. It's the entirety of "Replaced (one must go)" It's pretty sid heavy, since I couldn't get anything to sound as good as the original lead, so I used a fair chunk of it. For all that it's missing, it's sounds pretty awesome. Unlike the other two parts, this one is a bit more straight forward. Just a "build it up and let it fly" kind of synth-punk tune. Great melody, by far one of my favourite sids.

So, anybody fancy being test monkey? Drop me a mail if you fancy a listen. I could use some feedback on this and, unfortunatly, Ifadeo's away at the moment...