C64 Party in Germany?

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C64 Party in Germany?

Post by Dr.Future »

Some time ago there were some stats by LMan about the "community", and if I remember correctly the most users were from Germany! :)

Is it impossible to organize a meeting of all us fans in Germany, party & listen to C64 Remixes, maybe playing some games and having a lot of fun? 8)

I suggested this some time ago, trying to convince Chris to held his legendary BIT Live event in Germany, but there were only a few people who said they would come. Come on guys (especially you german freaks), let's try to make this happen!

Please use this thread to tell me your opinion - thank you! :wink:
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Post by tas »

The c64 remix scene has far more of our german friends than any other nationality. It would be a viable option to hold a german party for sure. Just need someone who's got the "go and get it done" type of person like mr. Abbott
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Post by LMan »

A german party would be great, but I'm not the "go and get it done" type of person either... anybody :?:
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Post by Dr.Future »

Well, I would like to "go 'n' get" it, but there has to be a couple of people. You know, planning & organizing ist the one thing (and to be honest, it makes fun to me :wink: ), but if you make the event happen, and there is only you and maybe a good friend of you...that's not the party I want...

Anyway, as promised in the old messageboard: I can organize 2 discotheques in Wedel/Hamburg, the one for about 200/250 people (max), the other is big enough for 2.000 people (maybe way to big...).

What ya think???

Kind regards,

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BIT Live Germany?

Post by Chris Abbott »

Let me reverse the question: if there was an event in Germany, what would make it a "Back in Time Live"? Would people expect to meet celebs, or see performances? Or would they be happy with whoever turning up? Is all that's involved booking the disco and then publicising the event to the C64audio mailing list and on the site?

Or is it just that calling it "Back in Time Live" gives people a feeling that it will be more than two people in a room? Because I can't guarantee attendance: I'm always shit-scared myself, and I've no idea whether people turn up for the music, the games, or the guest stars :)

Or whether it's just for the chance to dance to SID remixes at really high volumes?

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Post by Dr.Future »

Good point, Chris :oops:

Of course I can't promise any celebs except myself at this time :wink:
But with or without your help I will be trying to get as much as possible if we decide to let this thing going BIG!

And to your *performance* remark: Of course there will be some performances in the disco, some C64 Highscore events is for sure, other interesting thing will be planned...

To make it clear: It just this feeling "Man, there are so many german sid-lovers, and I for myself can't get to England to the BIT Live events, it must be possible to make this thing happen here"! Maybe I'm wrong :?
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Well, if you decide to run with it, I'll certainly make it a featured event on the Back in Time Live Site, email everyone, and get in contact with the known composers, and generally help from here.

Plus Marcel will come and be my CD stand for the evening :)

We could give away a CD on the door, too.

Perhaps you could call it "Dr Future's SIDfest, sponsored by Back in Time Live" or something :)

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Post by Dr.Future »

That sounds great, Chris :D

Your support for the scene is legendary :wink:

Hope there will be some more comments here soon, maybe some German arrangers around who say "Yes, I'm looking forward to DRFs SID.Fest @ Hamburg and I will come" or "Yeah. How can I help you in organizing?" :wink:

What should be the date for this happening?
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Post by Chris Abbott »

I'd say you should hold it in June, but two things are important:

1) Hold it at a weekend if you possibly can. This is the most difficult thing because the clubs are well aware that this is the peak money time.

2) Make sure you're not clashing with:
i) football events
ii) other scene parties
iii) live concerts by major electronic music stars...

Also, be careful who you get to DJ. There are loads of people keen to DJ for free (for instance, 20cc), but make sure they want to play SID remixes all night long! (after all, that's the point!). I lost control of this factor at BIT Live 3, and I really regret it.

I was lucky with Peter Connelly at the first two, but he couldn't make the last one...

BIT Live 4 isn't until next September at the earliest, so you won't be clashing with it: it will be something nice in the summer for people to go to.

We can also get the concert promoted by the Micromusic.net people, but again we've got to be careful to specify that only SID remixes be played.

Perhaps we should move this thread to the Back in Time Live section of the C64audio.com messageboard? It seems to have taken a major step forward.

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Post by Dr.Future »

Done 8)

But I want to continue also in this thread to catch as many feedback and confirmations as possible :wink:

Are there any celebs? Who has contact to the German SID-Gurus???

What games should be played? What other performances? Music: More original SID ore more Remixes???
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Post by Markus Schneider »


i live about one hour from your place, Volker.

As i am going to marry next year in April and i am hard working on several cd stuff, there won't be much time till middle of May. Then i can try to help ya if it is still needed. Also i've still contact to some game programmer's and sid musicians (and ex-crackers :oops:, who are also sid fans!). First thing you need is a fixed date. I personally think it is important that no school holidays are at the party time. So early June is predestinated.
Perhaps we can talk by phone - just mail me your phone number, pal ...
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Post by Dr.Future »

Hey Markus, that's great news. It would be fantastic if you could get some oldschool gurus in town. I will start a poll about the date, so we could find a day that suits best to all of us :lol:
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Post by Chris Abbott »

OK, it looks as though there will be willing helpers :) Markus is now a part of the C64Audio team too, thanks to his involvement in BIT 4 (the CD). Now is the question: can the gate receipts fund the airfare and hotel for at least one composer from the UK? And if so, who would you invite? Or would you try and fly Chris Huelsbeck in from the US? :) Ben is more at home in a disco than Rob, but he's also always very busy.

Much of the gate receipts from BIT have traditionally been used to pay hotel bills and flights for the acts or the VIPs: the hotel bills alone for BIT 1 were £1000 and the flights were £2500. Thank God no one demanded appearance money :)

Through HVSC I know a fair few of the German composers, so I'll start the ball rolling on that once a date is set. Now you should enquire about hiring that disco (the 250 person one). I can set aside space on Backintimelive.com for the webpage, or I can just set up a redirect.

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Post by Dr.Future »

Well, Chris Huelsbeck as the reason for me starting making music would of course be a dream, but maybe he is going to visit Germany from time to time anyhow? Who knows? I think I had to get in contact with him.
In this case, any of the famous UK composers would be nice. But to chose one couldn't be the right way to go... :oops: But if there are interested heroes, we'll let them fly in. Aren't the airfares still sinking? :wink: In Germany you get the flight to UK for about 10 €, that's possible without rising the entry fee too high... :wink:
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Post by tas »

We at remix64 will certainly do our part in helping your venture. Be it free advertising, news releases through our news page, if you want we could even create a NEW page dedicated to your event.

or what about creating a compo.... Remix a c64 tune (Dance style) for your event. This way you have plenty of exclusive mixes to play. :)

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