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Strange things at R:K:O:...

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 8:51
by ifadeo
i'm wondering 'bout R:K:O:.... there where four new remixes up !!

...but why only four ??? i know there must be over fourty new remixes... jan back ???

Jan we need you, hope you're back soon....

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 11:20
by Yoshi
i'm confused too... my new remix didn't get online yet.. :(

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 11:37
by Max Levin
People! Don't stress Jan to death! Let him take his time. Until he uploads the next pages of pages of remixes you could always hang around at amigaremix? Start doing some Amiga-remixes for a change! :)

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 11:44
by ifadeo
Max Levin wrote:People! Don't stress Jan to death! Let him take his time.
i don't want to stress jan, i'm just wondering.... :wink:

btw. i got all the time in world, while waiting for R:K:O:, i do
some other music projects.....

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 11:48
by Max Levin
What other musical projects? :)

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 11:55
by ifadeo
Max Levin wrote:What other musical projects? :)
i'm about finshing my song for 'Bitlive Germany', then i got
i couple of my own songs to finshed... and some surprises... :wink:

i will tell soon more about this projects, makke knows a little
about it... and Lman soon too.....

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 11:58
by Yoshi
I don't mean to stress Jan.. as 2Klang, I was just wondering...

Best wishes to Jan.

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 13:20
by Makke
Without getting into too much detail: Jan said he'd try to get a few remixes online every or every other day. There's been a MASSIVE upload to R.K.O. the past month. So be patient. Songs will be added (or rejected) in the order they were uploaded. They'll get online eventually, with hopefully not a too long delay.

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 14:56
by ifadeo
Makke wrote:...Without getting into too much detail: Jan said he'd try to get a few remixes online every or every other day. ...
that's good news !!! :wink:

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 15:10
by Vosla

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 15:41
by Max Levin
Good idea there, Jan! :)

Posted: 16/03/2003 - 23:15
by M.A.F
Best wishes to Jan,he is a good guy(even though he can be a bit stroppy) :wink: Only jokin Jan if your watching.

By the way Max your photo is hilarious,just like your music! :twisted:

You know im only kidding!!! :D