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The End of Retro Gamer

Posted: 25/08/2005 - 10:54
by Ninereeds
it seems that livepublishing went into administration on monday 22nd august

anyone else lost money mid subscription?

Posted: 25/08/2005 - 11:50
by Chris Abbott
It's at times like this I think company law absolutely blows. Consumers have no protection except from the credit card people, but banks can raid at will. It's sickening.

Re: The End of Retro Gamer

Posted: 25/08/2005 - 11:58
by Tonka
Ninereeds wrote:it seems that livepublishing went into administration on monday 22nd august

anyone else lost money mid subscription?
Nope, but I was always tempted to take out a sub - glad I didn't :roll:

You can always make your money back on Ebay though, as issues seem to be going for very silly prices right now (and I'm sure will continue to rise now it has gone) :twisted: ... dZViewItem


Posted: 25/08/2005 - 12:30
by Matrix
I dont have any subscriptions at all, once they got ya money - POOOOOM - I like to keep that in my pocket. IMHO subscriptions are for lazy people who cant be arsed walking to the shops.

Which, on reflection, is why I get MAXIM every month *ahem* but it was a £1 for the full years worth OFFER (hard to refuse, yes thats it, hard to refuse).

Re: The End of Retro Gamer

Posted: 25/08/2005 - 13:05
by sumppi
Ninereeds wrote:it seems that livepublishing went into administration on monday 22nd august

anyone else lost money mid subscription?
Damn! I think I got something like 4-5 issues out of year's subscription.

F*ck, I actually loved that little mag, the only one I kept after cancelling pretty much everything else.


Posted: 25/08/2005 - 14:18
by merman
As a reader, I'm sad to see the magazine go.

As a freelance writer who is owed money, I am VERY SAD to see Live go into administration.

Anyway, if you were a regular on the Live forums, check out

Posted: 25/08/2005 - 14:50
by Analog-X64
Ah Man!!! that sucks!!! and I only recently found out about it and have got about 4-5 Issues of the magazine :(

I'm glad I held off subscribing.

Last copy I got here is the one with "The Legend of Ninja" Since were a bit behind here in the U.S. was there another issue after that?

I've already been having a crappy week, this news didnt help.

Posted: 25/08/2005 - 15:03
by dan gillgrass
Analog-X wrote:Ah Man!!! that sucks!!! and I only recently found out about it and have got about 4-5 Issues of the magazine :(

I'm glad I held off subscribing.

Last copy I got here is the one with "The Legend of Ninja" Since were a bit behind here in the U.S. was there another issue after that?

I've already been having a crappy week, this news didnt help.
No, the Ninja copy was the last one, i was JUST about to take a subscription out last month, im SO gald I didnt

Posted: 25/08/2005 - 16:06
by Subzero
S'funny, of all the copies of RG ive bought ive never read one cover to cover....perhaps retrorevival should be on the mag shelves, now THATS a GOOD READ....

Posted: 25/08/2005 - 19:35
by Analog-X64
subzero wrote:S'funny, of all the copies of RG ive bought ive never read one cover to cover....perhaps retrorevival should be on the mag shelves, now THATS a GOOD READ....
Thats the thing, I loved reading it back to back tons of Historical information that I didnt know about.

I also enjoyed the fake Ads in there, like the Build your own C64 kit.

I will miss it ;(

Another magazine takes its place.

Posted: 25/08/2005 - 19:44
by sumppi
subzero wrote:S'funny, of all the copies of RG ive bought ive never read one cover to cover....perhaps retrorevival should be on the mag shelves, now THATS a GOOD READ....
Weird, since I had a pretty thorough read on every issue which rarely happens otherwise...


Posted: 25/08/2005 - 20:57
by weblaus
Matrix wrote: IMHO subscriptions are for lazy people who cant be arsed walking to the shops.
Especially those lazy non-Brits who can't be arsed to fly to the UK every month only because they can't get the mag in their home countries any other way but by subscription.


I've lost quite a bit of money with 7 issues still remaining on my subscription, but I suspect the airplane tickets to locally buy the 6 magazines I did get would have been a tiny bit more expensive.

Posted: 25/08/2005 - 23:34
by merman
subzero wrote:S'funny, of all the copies of RG ive bought ive never read one cover to cover....perhaps retrorevival should be on the mag shelves, now THATS a GOOD READ....
Retro Revival is no more either.

Posted: 26/08/2005 - 0:28
by Analog-X64
If you noticed with previous issues on the second or third page there was a hint of what the CD Rom was going to be about in the next issue. But if you look at the last couple of issues they didnt do that. I wonder if they knew time was running out?

Posted: 26/08/2005 - 7:40
by Chris Abbott
merman wrote:
subzero wrote:S'funny, of all the copies of RG ive bought ive never read one cover to cover....perhaps retrorevival should be on the mag shelves, now THATS a GOOD READ....
Retro Revival is no more either.
Uh? Boyo didn't mention that...
