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London activity suggestions and meeting?

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 11:20
by sumppi

I booked a little trip to London for me and my girlfriend for next weekend (2nd to 4th of September) and I need some suggestions on suitable activities to do while in there. I tried checking for any concerts but it seems I can't find a single decent website to check for the activities.

Yes, this is the part where you, dear community members, come in with your excellent ideas. Additional points are awarded for suitably geeky activities involving computers, comics, movies and such - as long as the geekyness level stays tolerable :)

Oh, and if anyone's up for a meeting with possibly some alcohol related activity in some pub, I might be interested to participate in such an event ;)


Posted: 30/08/2005 - 11:50
by Matrix
Visit the Arcades and Flight Sim in the Troccadero Centre..... Do the London Eye too, and a small tip - If you go walking, stay on the parliament side of the Thames, the other side is mostly industrial and taxi's wont stop.

As for geeky, you could always visit the sets of some of the Dr Who show nr St Pauls, or a visit to Forbidden Planet is good.

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 11:57
by sumppi
Matrix wrote:Visit the Arcades and Flight Sim in the Troccadero Centre..... Do the London Eye too, and a small tip - If you go walking, stay on the parliament side of the Thames, the other side is mostly industrial and taxi's wont stop.
Gotta surf to see what those are all about, though we're not much into traditional tourist thingies (we've been twice in New York and haven't seen even a glimpse of the Statue yet;)). Instead we mainly just hang around and waste time.
Matrix wrote:As for geeky, you could always visit the sets of some of the Dr Who show nr St Pauls, or a visit to Forbidden Planet is good.
Excellent, thanks for reminding me about FP! Just what we're after ;)


Posted: 30/08/2005 - 13:27
by Bog
If you're going near the London Eye, don't forget the Namco Arcade two doors up from it.

Re: London activity suggestions and meeting?

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 13:45
by Jan Lund Thomsen
sumppi wrote:Additional points are awarded for suitably geeky activities involving computers, comics, movies and such - as long as the geekyness level stays tolerable :)
Forbidden Planet. Oh yes! :D

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 13:59
by Chris Abbott
If you visit Bromley South (15 minutes on the train from Victoria), you get to meet ME :) That's very geeky!

Though I don't think the DVD will be available at that time...


Posted: 30/08/2005 - 14:14
by dan gillgrass
Dont bother with the Troc centre, it used to be good (ie:it had Guitar Freaks in it) but now its pants

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 15:16
by Matrix
It was good back in the days of SEGA Centre and ALIEN WAR, but like Dan says, its a bit shit nowadays - worth visiting for a go on the drop seat and the flight sim though. I went on that thinking "hey, its a puter game, no problem".... I almost puked when I came off it :lol: so much for trying the yaw-into-flat spin-into buzzsaw roll. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 15:20
by sumppi
Matrix wrote:It was good back in the days of SEGA Centre and ALIEN WAR, but like Dan says, its a bit shit nowadays - worth visiting for a go on the drop seat and the flight sim though. I went on that thinking "hey, its a puter game, no problem".... I almost puked when I came off it :lol: so much for trying the yaw-into-flat spin-into buzzsaw roll. :lol: :lol: :lol:
That doesn't sound too appealing ;)


Posted: 30/08/2005 - 16:25
by xo
What about the London Dungeon? I visited it once in folkschool ( don't ask :lol: ). It displayed various grotesque methods of torture from the middle ages. I finished the tour by getting my head superimposed onto a schwarzzenegger torso. Hey, it looked cool back then; lost the poster tho. :lol:

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 17:27
by sumppi
exoskeleton wrote:What about the London Dungeon? I visited it once in folkschool ( don't ask :lol: ). It displayed various grotesque methods of torture from the middle ages. I finished the tour by getting my head superimposed onto a schwarzzenegger torso. Hey, it looked cool back then; lost the poster tho. :lol:
That sounds awesome! The only thing is that apparently my gf has already been there while living in the UK for three years. Damn :)


Posted: 30/08/2005 - 17:37
by Sidman 64
Well if you like your footie then why not go and see how the new WEMBLEY STADIUM is coming on :wink:

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 17:39
by dan gillgrass
Dont forget about the museums, the Nat History Museum rules, there is also the planitarium

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 17:47
by sumppi
danceaway wrote:Well if you like your footie then why not go and see how the new WEMBLEY STADIUM is coming on :wink:
I think I'll wait for the Pink Floyd Reunion Tour to hit there until I go - all sports events are classified no-no ;)

Thanks for the suggestion though, I'd love to see it at some point.


Posted: 31/08/2005 - 3:59
by tas
The London Dungeon is great fun :)

Not really a big fan of London really, massively over rated place. I'm very much like you Sumps i'm not very touristy either.

Went up the Empire State Building when in NY and simply thought "yep, big building" and ofcourse "Get me fooking down from here" ;)