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Posted: 30/08/2005 - 17:43
by Sidman 64
Well me & another 7 people from Manchester are going to COPENHAGEN for this great event :wink:
Who else is going :?:

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 18:01
by DHS

Posted: 30/08/2005 - 18:45
by Max Levin
Definetly me! No fuckin way I'm missing this out! :D

Posted: 31/08/2005 - 4:09
by tas
Sorry not this time around i'm afraid.

Posted: 31/08/2005 - 5:36
by Matrix
Cant find my passport..... I'll let you know.....

Posted: 31/08/2005 - 8:45
by Jan Lund Thomsen

Just checked the map. I need to go 500 meters down the road and make a left, then turn right after 900 meters, and continue straight on for 2,5 Km to get to the venue. :D

Mind you, had I needed to make a two hour flight I would probably been there anyway.

Oh wait, I'm doing that next week.

Posted: 31/08/2005 - 10:31
by merman
Getting myself organised, passport application form is sitting right beside me now...

Posted: 31/08/2005 - 10:32
by Sidman 64
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:Me!

Just checked the map. I need to go 500 meters down the road and make a left, then turn right after 900 meters, and continue straight on for 2,5 Km to get to the venue. :D

Mind you, had I needed to make a two hour flight I would probably been there anyway.

Oh wait, I'm doing that next week.

Funny you say this Jan as,

I have only to walk 5 minutes away and I will be at the event :D
I mean the one next week in Manchester :wink:
But will be doing a two hour flight in November to COPENHAGEN

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 9:21
by Makke
If I get the cash, I'll be there for sure.

Being unemployed that might not happen though.

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 10:27
by Sidman 64
Makke wrote:If I get the cash, I'll be there for sure.

Being unemployed that might not happen though.

Makke you are just releasing a music CD 8)
This will surely sell by the boat load and earn you a nice pot of gold :wink:

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 11:27
by Chris Abbott
Well, if there's enough sales by then to send Makke to Copenhagen, it shall be done. But generally even successful CDs generate more of a trickle than a flood of sales. I know that because I had to sell my yacht to Kenz :)

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 12:05
by Sidman 64
Chris Abbott wrote:Well, if there's enough sales by then to send Makke to Copenhagen, it shall be done. But generally even successful CDs generate more of a trickle than a flood of sales. I know that because I had to sell my yacht to Kenz :)

Oh well am fucked then as am given my CD away F.O.C :lol: :lol:
Anyone want to buy a car or a house :lol:

me not have a yacht, u must b rich MR ABBOTT :o

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 12:26
by Chris Abbott
Seriously though, life is tough at the bottom of the music industry, and if you don't do it for the art, you may as well not bother at all :)


Posted: 01/09/2005 - 13:20
by Sidman 64
Chris Abbott wrote:Seriously though, life is tough at the bottom of the music industry, and if you don't do it for the art, you may as well not bother at all :)


Joking aside I agree your right :(
I will retreat while I can & then get you a beer next week :D :lol: