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I need a human M.U.L.E.

Posted: 31/08/2005 - 11:00
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Anyone in the UK up for bringing a Competition Pro USB joystick (red flavour, of coz) to BITLite next week? The shops I've found either don't ship to mainland Europe, or charge a massive 8 quid postage. And that's just silly for a ten quid product. In return you will of coz receive cash compensation for the cost&shipping and the eternal grattitude of yours truly.

It's available from ... cts_id=543 (as recommended by Kenz) or via eBay UK:

Posted: 01/09/2005 - 22:44
by StormKeeper
When I get things sorted out, I'll look into getting it for you.

Posted: 02/09/2005 - 6:26
by Jan Lund Thomsen
StormKeeper wrote:When I get things sorted out, I'll look into getting it for you.
Ah grand, but I'm just wondering; how does "when I get things sorted out" fit in with "bring it to Manchester next week"? :D

If only Waz didn't pick this week to be on holiday I could have bugged him for it, seing as I'm crashing at Zaw Towers for the weekend.

Posted: 02/09/2005 - 20:28
by StormKeeper
Well, hopefully, I'll be sorted for Monday... Or before then... And hopefully the delivery time is before Saturday next, lol

Posted: 03/09/2005 - 6:40
by Jan Lund Thomsen
StormKeeper wrote:Well, hopefully, I'll be sorted for Monday... Or before then... And hopefully the delivery time is before Saturday next, lol
Oh goodie! =) I recall Kenz mentioning something about Core Digital having it his way in a day or so a while back, so that should be well doable.

Mind you, if Sod's law still has anything to say some Retrovisioner will prolly set up a shoppe(care to comment Mark?) and sell them over the counter at the event. If not, then I guess everyone will just have to make do with Chris' CDs and Bogs Sanxioned T-shirt. =)

Posted: 03/09/2005 - 17:08
by StormKeeper
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:Oh goodie! =) I recall Kenz mentioning something about Core Digital having it his way in a day or so a while back, so that should be well doable.
If that's the case, then I'll order one on Monday, hell... I'm half-tempted to get one myself now! :lol:
Mind you, if Sod's law still has anything to say some Retrovisioner will prolly set up a shoppe(care to comment Mark?) and sell them over the counter at the event. If not, then I guess everyone will just have to make do with Chris' CDs and Bogs Sanxioned T-shirt. =)
I've been a victim of Sod's Law many a time. Anyway, I'm gonna have to order it/them on Monday to take into account it may take longer than a day to arrive, so if anyone is thinking of selling them, they'd better say so before Monday afternoon/evening.

Posted: 04/09/2005 - 9:08
by PeeknPoke Lee
Ive got the USB comp pro here, and I dont recommend it. although initial thoughts were this is great, the actual stick is a long way off from the original AND YOU CANT PLAY HYPER SPORTS WITH IT. Gah!
Its too slow.

Looks great on the computer table though, Id give it that.


Posted: 06/09/2005 - 9:05
by StormKeeper
I'm in a position to order it now if you still want it?

Posted: 06/09/2005 - 10:16
by Jan Lund Thomsen
StormKeeper wrote:I'm in a position to order it now if you still want it?
If you're getting it from Core Digital, sure thing. :D

Posted: 06/09/2005 - 22:13
by StormKeeper
Right, I'll order it tomorrow then.

Posted: 07/09/2005 - 5:28
by LMan
I've got two of them yesterday and I can't notice any delay, plays really well on winvice. The only notable difference to my original Competition Pro: the stick is rotatable, but that doesn't really bother me. :D

Posted: 07/09/2005 - 8:33
by StormKeeper
Looks like I can't order it today =/

Posted: 07/09/2005 - 8:55
by Jan Lund Thomsen
StormKeeper wrote:Looks like I can't order it today =/
Damnation. Forget about it then. I'll try my luck at it being available at Retrovision.

Posted: 07/09/2005 - 9:18
by StormKeeper
I'm going to give it a try later on this afternoon and then that would be my last try.

Posted: 07/09/2005 - 15:49
by StormKeeper
Success! :D

Anyway, it'll arrive within the next 2-5 days, it seems.