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First 4 channel tune...?

Posted: 05/09/2005 - 17:38
by trace
Witch c64 tune was the first EVER to have 4 channels?
The first i heard was Arkanoid II :)

Posted: 05/09/2005 - 19:07
by dan gillgrass
Dunno, but Feekzoid did a 5 channel track? or was that a fake? eh? feeky? eh?

Posted: 08/09/2005 - 21:48
by ToxicGTE
Was it Galway`s Game Over?

Posted: 09/09/2005 - 9:39
by Rafael Dyll
It was Chris Hülsbeck's To be on Top - arguably the first tune to use a fourth voice for digi-drums. Chris often stated that he was officially beaten by Martin Galway simply becouse Game Over hit the shelves before To be on Top. Tough one to prove but there you go.

Posted: 09/09/2005 - 18:08
by westerling
I think Arkanoid was first. At least before Game Over. (I don´t have a clue if Hülsbeck was first though.) If you listen to the quality of the samples then you hear that Game Over is better and I think I´ve read that Arkanoid was his first project with sampling. But I´m not really sure.

Posted: 11/09/2005 - 22:14
by ToxicGTE
Martin Galway would probably be the best person to answer this one then...