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Chomping at the BIT

Posted: 11/09/2005 - 20:54
by Matrix
Well, WOW, first we had BIT Live.... now BIT Lite..... we diceded that Machine Supremacy was BIT Loud, PPOT was BIT Good & Gossips was a BIT Sweaty. Throughout the course of dinner with merman on the sunday goodbye's this joke was really taken to its extreme. The dinner was BIT Expensive, and BIT Late... (took a long time to arrive). The loo was BIT Smelly and the non-crystal glasses were BIT Crap :D

Add your own BIT here ;)

Posted: 11/09/2005 - 20:59
by Zzapback
I'm a BIT sad I couldn't make it. 8)

Posted: 11/09/2005 - 21:01
by Subzero
Matrix's girlfriend is a BIT nice ;)

nice to see u again big guy :)

Posted: 11/09/2005 - 22:10
by Bog
BIT Pished ;)

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 10:10
by tas
In Dans case....

A BIT poorly ;)

my case...

A BIT (ALOT) windy

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 10:27
by Chris Abbott
Rob Hubbard had a BIT of a rough time...

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 10:34
by tas
Chris Abbott wrote:Rob Hubbard had a BIT of a rough time...
*whistles* I've no idea what you mean ;)

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 11:12
by Slaygon
The weekend was a BIT Short, if you ask me.
Skitz did a BIT Driving - Some 11 hours (thanks, mate!)
Ziphoid was doing a BIT Sales - Sold loads of Makke's album. Great stuff!
Speaking of Makke, he was a BIT Absent, unfortunately.
If nobody noticed, Markie was a BIT Green - Great meeting you even though that green rubbed off =)
Marcel's farts were not just a BIT Smelly, they stank!
Mark probably thought I was a BIT Annoying, but I actually thought the discussion, even though pointless, was a BIT Amusing. ;>
My stay at the airport was made bearable, thanks to Boz & Skitz, who kept me a BIT Company - Thanks!

Anyway, the event is now a BIT Over, and I am back at work.
It was good too see everybody again. Thank you for making the weekend to what it was!

You could see this as my BIT Report =)

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 11:17
by Makke
Slaygon wrote:Speaking of Makke, he was a BIT Absent, unfortunately.
Very unfortunate indeed. :(

What wasn't unfortunate was that from the looks on the pictures Marcel has lost a BIT of weight! That "a BIT" also being a BIT of an understatement. Good going, Marcel!

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 11:20
by Slaygon
Makke wrote:What wasn't unfortunate was that from the looks on the pictures Marcel has lost a BIT of weight! That "a BIT" also being a BIT of an understatement. Good going, Marcel!
Some 22kg actually.
He was indeed a BIT Lighter than before. =)

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 12:14
by skitz
This thread is becoming a little BIT Tedious :D

I did serious amounts of BIT Driving - Around 500 miles!!
We did a BIT Jigsaw in the back of my car to fit the E-Synth (but worth it seeing Rob played his BITs on it!)
There was some on the fly BIT Stage Management - Nobody else seemed to be doing it! :evil:

The ultimate BIT Migrane just as SID80's started playing :frustration:

All in all it was a BIT Awesome and I really enjoyed it!

I am looking forward to just being part of the crowd at Copenhagen :P

LETS ROCK! :rock:

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 12:54
by Subzero
im a BIT fed up now that its over but it was more than a BIT good and I was glad to have met more than just a BIT more people, and why are all swedish a BIT taller than me :)

And thanks to skitz for letting me share a BIT of his car :)

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 14:02
by Matrix
Heh, this thread has taken off a BIT more than I expected :lol:

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 16:30
by merman
Two more gems from "My dinner with Andy & Sandra"


The new exercise video from the people who bought you "Madfiddler's Voddie Diet" and "Rob Hubbard's Water Course".
Try the Daglish Shuffle, the Mark Knight table dance and the Mark Rayson "eat three composers a day" programme

BIT 2050

Starring Pensioners Play On Tape
Ben Daglish on a Zimmer frame
Sir Rob Hubbard (knighted for services to cruise ships)
Visa Roster: The Next Generation

and a few more bit puns

I'm a bit indifferent
A bit loud
They're all staring at us... they think we're a bit weird