BIT Lite / Rv - Comments

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BIT Lite / Rv - Comments

Post by Matrix »


Heh, ya know... When I arrived i was met with a big tight hug from markie !! and made Very welcome... everyone was fantastic and we got right to it with Outrun 2 and Soul Calibur (thanks to whomever owned those for bringing them).

The concert rocked. Hey Hey 16k live was everything I imagined and more... a shame about practicing in front of the croud they would play the same set to though as I think it left some a little disinterested and a lot of crosstalking was happening. The rest of the Hibbert songs left me cold really, It didnt help that there seemed to be issues with the mic. Here's a wierd though, I spent all day calling them "The Violators" not "The Validators" ACK !! Sorry MJ.

PPOT's 3 Channel set was AWESOME considering how things happened and they put on a hell of an acoustic show !! I LOVED IT. Congrats guys :)

Mark & Rob really rocked... let me tell you, playing a left hand bassline and top end fast jazz is WELL HARD.. Maximum Kudos and Respect to Rob for that.... A terrific double act that moved the soul.

SID 80's .. heh, YEAH !! - a lot of crosstalk again though, couldnt quite get my head around why that was, but anyway - the performance, as always, shone like a new penny !! Respects to all who performed this time around :)

After the show Bog was grabbing arses like no tomorrow, and perhaps a bit of boob ;) I think that made his night :lol: - The sharring of green paint was like EEEWWWWW, so i got away from that one, but it was hillarious to watch, almost as funny as the Kenz Clone's :lol:

I went back into the hall to say my farewells and got cornerd several times and found my other half being stolen by Dan "The Smile" :)


A shame folks had to wrap up at 4 on the sunday as I was hoping for more games till the late(ish) hours, only arrives at 2pm. However, that left LOADS of time to socialise with folks - and folks were amazing... Thanks to Markie and Chris for putting up with us mad retro loons for so long and godspeed for any future event.

I hope Bog made good sales on his t-shirts and posters. Sadly my chest was too big for the shirts !! special order there I think ;) bigger ship too ;) I also think thats the first time ive managed to speak to Kenz, Mayhem, Nats, Bog, Waz, Chappers, Tomsk, Subby, Merman, Jesper, Theo, Juice, Peek Poke Lee, Markie, Dan the Man, Madfiddler, Andreas and a whole bunch of other folks who produce a list far too long to mention. It was GREAT meeting you all at length and I hope we can do it again sometime....

- hehe ....

A BIG thanks from me to EVERYONE to showed up and took part - you MAKE IT, without people, events are nothing.

No more RV or BIT .... but there will be something, sometime.... trust me, trust Ben..... oh yes.... watch that horizon.

Oh - and for those of you who are buying the BIT Live DVD - dont forget to download the FREE Collectors Sleeve's (2 alternate designs) once they get hosted.
Last edited by Matrix on 11/09/2005 - 21:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Driller »

Sorry I didn't get a chance to speak to you :( Let's hope so next time!

I had a great time through the gig but the people talking did piss me off. We were almost ground zero to them so it was very distracting in parts. It didn't help that the sound was bad at the beginning but also too quiet all the way through the gig. Not to mention anyone in particular (in case they are girlfriends of people here ;) but... there was a few people talking loudly ALL THE WAY THROUGH! FFS if you are going to talk and make loads of noise then why come?

The dancing zombie was probably the (inadvertant) highlight of the evening but the guy sat at our table who had his iPod on (!) through several parts of the gig was a close second!
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Post by Subzero »


the dancing *zombie* is called feeblez and posts on yakyak :D
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Post by Matrix »

Oh dear :lol:
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Post by Driller »

Well, as long as he was enjoying himself.

He *did* look out of it though :)

*EDIT* - if you are reading this, sorry!

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Post by Chris Abbott »

Driller wrote: iPod on (!) through several parts of the gig was a close second!
That was the guy who spent ages telling me he was going to download the ISO of the Audio CD from the DVD off Emule, and spent even longer telling me the best DVD ripping package (on the grounds that as a musician he was entitled to do it, since it's a tough world out there).


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Post by Subzero »

incase its not seen in events, heres my linky to oodles of piccies.....(warning some drunken subzeroness!!!)
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Post by Kenz »

What an arse-kickingly FANTASTIC weekend! Will write more words and post pics SOON, need sleepies.

You guys RULE!

*does Feeblez style dance*
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Post by madfiddler »

When you say crosstalk - do you mean feedback? mmm damn, likely that my fiddle was the main cause of that....
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Post by Matrix »

Nah, i mean people speaking loudly to each other across tables disturbing people close to them. Like for example, the folks that seemed to be looking after "Feeble" who didnt take the time to appreciate the music in its full glory.
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Post by Bog »

Yeah the constant conversation was a serious disappointment - and rude.

Hand to keep a hand on Her Ladyship who goes a bit postal over that sort of thing.
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Mark "Bog" Hennessy-Barrett. Chris says you should ask me about the Wizball video ;)
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Post by madfiddler »

ga, bastards :( Oh well....
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Post by tas »

Great couple of days, I enjoyed it emmensley - Although tummy didn't ;)
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Post by LMan »

Anyone care to explain what exactly it's about with that Feeblez guy? :)
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Post by tas »

Actually, it seemed very funny at the time but since then i've heard on the grape vine that he has some sort of learning disability. (dunno if thats entirely true mind you)
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