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Whos your favorite Game Babe - and why ...

Posted: 11/09/2005 - 21:52
by Matrix
Think I have to plump for Nikki from Pandemonium 2 ....

Well fit... nice 4ft poster adorning my wall (courtesy of Playstation Plus).

Useful Link : ... nders.html

Posted: 12/09/2005 - 3:28
by Maindrian
Chun Li. Nice big chunky thighs.


Posted: 12/09/2005 - 20:52
by Vosla
Good ol' Chun Li. I love her swirling panties... errr... kick...KICK! :lol:

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 8:44
by Yoshi
Interesting.. :)

I don't play much so I dont know any game babes, but it's nice watching girls in fighting games do high kicks :P

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 8:57
by Slick2097
Probably kasumi from the Dead Or Alive series. Or tina.

Too many to choose from I think :/


Posted: 13/09/2005 - 9:28
by Max Levin
Does Laverne from Day of the Tentacle count?

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 9:30
by Thunderer
I would have to say Annie Larris from Zak McKracken. I've especially started to find her attractive since new investigative research tries to reveal her true identity as Lara Croft.

You may say I am mad, but have a look at the evidence yourselves and make up your minds:

Posted: 13/09/2005 - 14:05
by Matrix
Heh, sorry, but i just HAD to save the Crystal Maze pic...... its a true classic !!

Posted: 14/09/2005 - 6:55
by Steve B
Ms Pacman .... All Woman


Posted: 14/09/2005 - 9:23
by kjetiln
It has to be April Ryan from the Longest Journey by FunCom ;)

Posted: 14/09/2005 - 9:46
by Chris Abbott
kjetiln wrote:It has to be April Ryan from the Longest Journey by FunCom ;)
You're not MMP Kjetil by any chance are you?


Posted: 14/09/2005 - 10:25
by Rafael Dyll
Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica kicks some serious ass and looks so cute to boot. I'm a sucker for those slightly intellectual, UZI-wielding brunettes. Ah bugger it, now I'm a nerd I guess. Damn.

Posted: 14/09/2005 - 16:33
by Infamous
rinoa from final fantasy 8 its the cardigan that does it for me.... :shock:

Posted: 14/09/2005 - 17:38
by Driller
When I was young, this floated my boat :) ... owfire.jpg

Posted: 14/09/2005 - 23:31
by Dumper
Ninja Gaiden's Rachel, she has a lovely pair of...........eyes.