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oh heck, things are really cheap now!

Posted: 25/09/2005 - 21:53
by tas
Just pre-ordered the Mike Oldfield CD "Light and Shade" which comes out next week and was totally flabberghasted at it's price. His new album is a DOUBLE CD album but priced at only £8.99

10 years ago you'd be lucky to get it less than £18. Shows that the internet revolution and supermarkets is beginning to drive prices down. Quite litterally staggered at the price of this CD.

Posted: 25/09/2005 - 23:30
by Driller
thanks for the heads up! *loads*

Posted: 26/09/2005 - 3:31
by tas
buying it from amazon is supposedly getting you an extra 2 tracks! :shock:

Re: oh heck, things are really cheap now!

Posted: 26/09/2005 - 8:02
by Waz
Tas wrote:Just pre-ordered the Mike Oldfield CD "Light and Shade" which comes out next week and was totally flabberghasted at it's price. His new album is a DOUBLE CD album but priced at only £8.99
Bargain, indeed. Both and have it at that price, and the track listing's the same wherever you get it - looks like the UK release has a bonus track on each disc!

Don't forget though that unless you spend £19+ with Amazon on one order, you've gotta pay postage, hence I usually use for my CD and DVD needs.

Meanwhile over at ripoff HMV, it's £12-99 for the CD - and that's online! Robbing so and sos...

Posted: 26/09/2005 - 9:27
by xo
Let us know if its any good. :)

Posted: 26/09/2005 - 10:34
by Slick2097
I intend to hit the shops at lunchtime see if anywhere (asda etc) has it at anywhere near an online price.

If not i'll be placing an order online today for it. (Ta for the info on the prices)

I prefer to buy it from shops as I get it instantly but if its £2 more offline then online it'll have to be.


Posted: 30/09/2005 - 4:04
by tas
exoskeleton wrote:Let us know if its any good. :)
Well it came as a shock cos what ever you know of Mike then instantly forget it, cos this album is nothing like anything he's done before...

Mike has always been famous your his ability to play almost any instrument and compose using a vast array of them.. This album is nothing like that!

Everything is synthetic now with the exception of Piano and Guitar. The album has too flavours hence the title.."Light and Shade".

The first is what can only be described as a chill-out CD while the second is more aggressive almost dancey at times.

Actually this album would appeal more to Jarre fans than Oldfield Fans. :shock:

The album however is full of ideas and does see a return of mike at his best as overall it's back to Mike more complex compositions. Mike of the last few albums went quite basic this album however sees what mike does best and cram lots of different sounds and different ideas into each track without losing the tunes substance. So for me thats a massive possitive.

Die hard fans of Mike might struggle with the Album but those who have broader minds especially if they enjoy the work of Jarre will find this album very impressive.

Personally i like mike's REAL instruments than i do this new synthetic approach but the album is still very good.

Posted: 30/09/2005 - 6:05
by tas
Icidentally - There's a free download of the unreleased soundtrack of "Tres Lunas II" on the link below..

It's legal and allowable to be downloaded. It's actually music from the Computer game "Music VR" which mike made and wrote the music for. Over 50 mins of free previously unreleased music.. yummy!