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Unused tickets for sale/wanted-thread

Posted: 28/09/2005 - 14:49
by beyond
This thread is for those who want to sell or buy tickets for CRC. Please post short and precise messages as this is not meant to be a discussion thread :)

tickets over?

Posted: 28/09/2005 - 19:23
by lia
I really want to go (well I guess alot of ppl want to go) but since I am the first who signs in here and says that I want t ticket I should be first in line :twisted:
Can't someone put me in his/hers bag and smuggle me in :)

Posted: 07/10/2005 - 11:31
by Markus Schneider
If it is not a week before starting I would also like to go since I was too lame to order ealier. Geek !

markus [AT]

Posted: 09/10/2005 - 21:12
by zerozillion
missed the announcement, there are even cheap flights from here. should have checked the forum more often :-/

what can i say? crc error?

Posted: 26/10/2005 - 19:12
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Right, this is not a for sale post (although it might be later on)

I've bought 3 tickets for the CRC. One for me, one for the missus and one for a mate.

The missus backed down and the guy who wanted to buy her ticket off me (assuming he doesn't need to work that weekend) has yet to get in touch.

And my mate recently got diagnosed with tinnitus so he's not sure if he wants to travel cross country to go to a concert.

So what I'm saying is that I might have between 0 and 2 spare tickets at a few days notice. More news as (and if) it happens.

Posted: 27/10/2005 - 9:42
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:So what I'm saying is that I might have between 0 and 2 spare tickets at a few days notice. More news as (and if) it happens.
Nothing to see here, move along quietly.

Sorry if I got anyones hopes up, but both chaps just confirmed that they are indeed showing up for the event. So I don't have any spares after all.

Looking for ONE ticket

Posted: 30/10/2005 - 22:42
by docpi
Yes. I now know to be able to go to Copenhagen and would now like to become able to also attend the concert.

So, anyone with one ticket to offer, please step forward and notify me.
Even on extremely short notice.
I am physically located near Frankfurt/Main in Germany and will be arriving in Copenhagen on Saturday 5th.

Thank you,

Your friendly Paperboy

Posted: 31/10/2005 - 8:43
by Andreas Wallström
Two tickets wanted for a friend and long-time scener. If you're selling yours, please get in touch!