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Independent scifi parody movie released (OT, geeky)

Posted: 01/10/2005 - 18:10
by sumppi
Something to download for the scifi inclined geeks among us:

In short, whereas we do remixes with our computers and release them for free at RKO or on CD, these guys did a full length scifi movie and distribute it in the web and on DVD. Just took them seven years to complete. And it's actually pretty good, with orchestral soundtrack and cool CGI effects.

The downside? It's in Finnish. Luckily, it's subtitled for the fenno-linguistically (not a word probably) ignorant people among us ;)


Posted: 01/10/2005 - 20:34
by DHS
Looks awesome! :)

There's also another great free movie to download, if you don't already know it:

It's Star Wars: Revelations

Done by a group of fans all thru the net. Beside the amatorial acting, features amazing original FX and sountrack.

Posted: 01/10/2005 - 20:47
by Matrix
Revalations ROCKS, its also the only one officially given the ok from Mr Lucas !!

Posted: 01/10/2005 - 20:51
by Max Levin
Time for me to put together the 8 foot spider from my parents attic and start making that Forbidden Forrest-movie/parody I've promised everyone will see :)

Posted: 01/10/2005 - 21:02
by sumppi
I wasn't involved in the production myself although I do know some of the people behind the Star Wreck movie. Now, after seeing the movie, I wish I had been :)

The sheer scope of the thing is pretty incredible for something that was done for pretty much nonexistent budget. The final cut of the movie runs over 1:30 and on the DVD there are few deleted scenes and a making-of documentary which is actually even more professional looking than the movie since it was made after the actual movie was finished ;)


Posted: 02/10/2005 - 10:54
by DHS
Watched it last night.
Many times it forgot it was an indipendent movie, and that's good.

The only thing that left me dubious is the supposed humor of the movie.

Posted: 02/10/2005 - 11:02
by sumppi
DHS wrote:The only thing that left me dubious is the supposed humor of the movie.
Yeah, it's a bit... Finnish at times :) Many so-called jokes are language-dependent and don't really translate that well.


Posted: 06/10/2005 - 19:55
by Vosla
Man, that's a lot Kirk-bashing in one movie...

Incredibly long play with nice effects...
A very stupid but continuous story...
VERY strange humour (as far as I understood from english subtitles)...

Monty Python: "Finland, Finland, Finland... the land I wanna to be..."

Posted: 23/10/2005 - 17:58
by Jan Lund Thomsen
If you're into Firefly there's also the hilarious "Mosquito" fan-made spoof over at

/me continues counting the days until Serenity opens in .dk theaters.

Posted: 25/10/2005 - 17:54
by Infamous
not wanting to make you cry jan.. but serenity is an AWESOME movie and one i really really enjoyed watching and would do so over and over again.. it really is THAT good :)

Posted: 26/10/2005 - 8:27
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Infamous wrote:not wanting to make you cry jan.. but serenity is an AWESOME movie and one i really really enjoyed watching and would do so over and over again.. it really is THAT good :)
It opens on November 25th over here. As soon as pre-ordering is possible I'll order myself at least a ticket for opening night and one yet another one to take it in again a few days later. :D

Oh well, I still have the Firefly box set to keep me company until then.

Re: Independent scifi parody movie released (OT, geeky)

Posted: 26/10/2005 - 17:38
by Analog-X64
sumppi wrote:The downside? It's in Finnish. Luckily, it's subtitled for the fenno-linguistically (not a word probably) ignorant people among us ;)

Heeey!!! Sumppi just called me Ignorant!! thats it I'm taking my ball and going home. ;)

I'll have to check them out when I get home, thanks for the link.

Posted: 27/10/2005 - 19:42
by LMan
Just watched the Starwreck - I'm amazed! The space fights are on par with commercial productions like Star Trek. The sets look a bit cheesy but that's fine. The story is a great parody of tried and tested space opera plots. And I had some great laughs!

Can't praise this one enough! :worship: :worship: :worship:

Posted: 27/10/2005 - 20:03
by Jan Lund Thomsen
LMan / Remix64 wrote:Just watched the Starwreck - I'm amazed! The space fights are on par with commercial productions like Star Trek. The sets look a bit cheesy but that's fine. The story is a great parody of tried and tested space opera plots. And I had some great laughs!
If you don't want to have any laughs grab the Star Wars one. That's just so bad it hurts. Possibly because it's taking itself seriously.

Unlike the Firefly spoof one, which is a riot. (right, Infy?)

Posted: 28/10/2005 - 10:36
by LMan
I assume everyone spotted the c64s at the russian research facility? :D