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Post by Sidman 64 »

Well I think it would be fitting for all of us to say our thanks and support for all that Chris Abbott has given us over the years :D

I would personally like to thank him for all the B.I.T Concerts that he has organised and to which I have fully enjoyed over the years, and for the FANTASTIC B.I.T Live DVD which has just been released 8) .

This DVD is fucking amazing and is the perfect product to show all the people who did attend these show and also for the
people & fans who could not make it what its all about.

I really do hope that he sell's 100's of the DVD so he can re-coup some of the money he has spent over the years :wink:

Anyway I have done this topic FOR ALL OF US TO SIGN AND GIVE THANKS to a really top guy
who has given so much over the years :D
So come on and get posting your thanks etc and lets make this the biggest post reply on this site, cos this guy deserve's it.

Oh Chris many thanks for the replacement DVD 1 :wink: Fantastic mate :D
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Post by Matrix »

Duely signed :) Nice one Chris, and thanks Danceaway.
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Post by LMan »

That's true, Chris is da man. There is noone who has devoted himself to the community nearly as much as him. I salute you, Chris! :worship: :worship: :worship:
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Post by Dr.Future »

Chris da man! You rule! 8)
Dr.Future - and music will never be the same!
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Post by Chris Abbott »


Thanks for the thread, guys. As I sit here reading this, the main thought that goes through my mind is the amount of people who have unselfishly supported the stuff I've initiated: and the list is HUGE of people who have made things possible which I couldn't: three guys in particular have pulled me through on loads of occasions: Boz, Kenz and Skitz. All of these guys have really put months of work in on BIT Live, CDs, DVDs and all sorts of other moral support, with often a lot less recognition than they deserve. That's why the people who preordered the DVD got a letter encouraging them to email the DVD crew direct: there's nothing better than to put in a little specific bit of cleverness and have people appreciate it: such as PPOTs fade-to-sprites in Giana Sisters, or that brilliantly timed spacebar pressing in PPOTs sets, the IK sprites in VR, etc.

Neil will also nod his head in appreciation at the help and support he got during his MbD time, which will have saved any number of bacon slices :)

And one of my most treasured memories is poring over "Trap" in the final weekend before the BIT 3 mastering with Kenz and Boz leaning over the keyboard, pointing at the screen: "here, what if we do this?". That was the first weekend Kenz and Boz met in person :)

It all would have been an empty experience without meeting all of you. Although the BIT Live events have been stressful, I've got treasured memories of the rehearsals and the events surrounding a BIT Live. I'll post another thread of "BIT Live memories" which should be fun.

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Post by Kenz »

Nice words, people! :D

One of the best and most enjoyable parts of working on the Bit projects is the way we all pitch in together - especially when deadlines are looming. You have no idea how many emails go back and forth while the CDs (and now DVDs!) are being put together. Many great friendships have been forged thanks to Chris and I'm proud to have done my Bit to support Bit (did you see what I did there?) :)

I too have many happy memories (and some stressed ones!) - like when I worked with Boz on Project:Galway, we were "in the zone" on that one and I'm really proud of the finished package ... The input we had from Martin himself was fantastic and moments like when Boz FINALLY got Martins music to play from his own cross-assembler, well, you had to be there.

And producing the Bit3 CD-ROM companion for Chris - I was literally falling asleep at the keyboard having poured all my creative energy into it .... but it turned out DAMN FINE!!! That is still one of my fave productions (even though it doesn't auto-boot in XP - bloody Windows!)

And ... and ... so many memories. :)
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Post by tas »

I'll join in with the salutations here.

Chris came to the rescue for was was almost certain collapse of the Revival ST project and for that i am indepted.

Been to nearly all the bitlives which has been organised.. Dare not think how much that has all cost me with travelling and *cough* ale.. Every penney was worth it.
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Post by dan gillgrass »

tas wrote: Been to nearly all the bitlives which has been organised.. Dare not think how much that has all cost me with travelling and *cough* ale.. Every penney was worth it.
Yea, I only missed one Bit Live, thanks guys! treasured memory (or lack of it) was losing Kenz and the gang in Birmingham after I went for a piss, lol

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Post by Kenz »

Hehe! I actually found all the camcorder footage I filmed at BitLive1 recently - it's quite strange seeing the now-familar faces of people like Slaygon and PPOT on there who I totally didn't know at the time ... (And a very young-looking Ben Daglish!)

Great stuff! :)
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Post by tomsk »

Well, I have to say I've enjoyed all of this SID based frivolity - and all of the products I've bought, new friends I've met, and the events I've been to.

Massive thanks to everyone involved - and I do hope I can see you all again.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Actually, most of my BIT Live memories seem to involve food and drink!

Here's my main food-based memories:

* Wandering around Russell Square area trying to find Marcel somewhere to eat (St. Luke's)

* Having a meal with PPOT during the St. Luke's rehearsal time, with Max Levin being a special guest :)

* PPOT being quite late to rehearsals for BIT Live 3 and the rest of the team having a fry-up in the canteen attached to the rehearsal studio... shortly afterwards we heard the Boyband Bakery for the first time, and saw Roggen play Monty on the Run for the first time. Ben was instrumental in the performance there, too. And Andreas was there in his journalistic capacity, little knowing the future to come :)

* Ringing up Dominos to get pizza for the throng at the rehearsals for BIT Live Brighton where people saw SID80s play for the first time...

* My last "Megaburger pub" experience with Boz and Skitz when Boz handed over the hard-disk with the BIT Live stuff on it...

* Breakfast in the Premier Lodge at BIT 1 with me sitting in the middle of a conversation between Tony Crowther and Rob Hubbard on project management :)

* Eating a rather lame baked potato in the middle of BIT Live 1 and not enjoying it very much

* ringing up Pizza hut from the basement of St. Luke's

* hanging around in a kebab shop at 12.30am after BIT Lite with Ben , Jon, Andreas, Marcel, Reyn, Kenz and Nats, madfiddler and Slaygon buying various noxious things which tasted very good :) It was such a surreal experience!

More memories as they happen.

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Post by Slick2097 »

Even though i'm a relative latecomer to all this malarkey having only been to Bit Lite (rv6), I still would like to pass on my best wishes to not only Mr Abbott, but to all who are involved in all such events. None of them would have been possible without the people who organized them, but also they would not have been possible without you lot also turning up and attending.

So a big thanks all round I think is in order.

However and extra special big thanks (with chocolate topping and icing and everything) goes to Chris Abbott.

The dvd is awesome, simply awesome. Makes we wish i'd known about such events earlier.

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Post by Chris Abbott »


* Having fish 'n chips with Skitz after having checked out the Brighton Centre for the first time (it was a really hot day, too!).

* Checking out Iwith Skitz), St. Luke's and the Bloomsbury Theatre on the same day. We would have run 2004 at the Bloomsbury if they'd have had the date we wanted. And then retiring to the pub at Euston station with Marcel (who, inexplicably came with us!!) to chat plans of live event malarkey...

* going to Pizza hut in Birmingham after checking out DNA for the first time: as I recall, Kenz was there, and I think my brother John. We were very excited about the space-ageyness of it all.

And you know what? I never saw Gossips before the day of the event :)

Last edited by Chris Abbott on 02/10/2005 - 11:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by StormKeeper »

I'm replying this to add my support to Chris :)

PS: My mum thought the names of the songs on the Danceaway CD were aptly named, plus she loved the music :)
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Post by Kenz »

BitLive 1 - Having to run from upstairs at one end of the club to the basement right at the other end a LOT of times (and it was a big-assed club!) Jeff Minters happy face when he saw Neon on the projector screen (and when the curry FINALLY arrived). Having to guide Danny G to the train station as we'd all left my house when he arrived! Lying face down on the glass floor of that sky-bar thing while people took photos from 1,000 feet below (well, it was QUITE high!)

BitLive 2 - People being amazed while I loaded games into my rubber-key Speccy from my CD player. Bouff dancing all night! Winning a certificate for being good at Uridium (even though I was a bit pissed!)

BitLive 3 - LOUD! HOT! Nasty toilets. Bogs tongue in my ear and his head up Annifers top.

8-Bit Revolution - C64s installed in PS2 display cabinets. "somebody" typing 10 PRINT "BOZ IS GAY" 20 GOTO 10 into it (teehee!) Mog drinking an incredible amount of wine.

BitLive 2003 (Brighton) - Rob Playing live - eyes welling up!

BitLive 2004 (St Lukes) - Having a vodka party with Benn and madfiddler (ow, my HEAD!)

BitLive 2005 (Manchester) - Rob Hubbard having a vodka party with Benn and madfiddler (ow, his HEAD!), great gig, great chill-out on Sunday. Chris lobbing the bird TWICE while driving. :lol:
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