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Good Piano-sound

Posted: 02/10/2005 - 19:29
by westerling
:?: I need a good piano-sound. For example: is "The Grand" good ? Would be great if someone could give me some hints.

Posted: 02/10/2005 - 20:01
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Hi Westerling! Download my "Mahoney - Armageedon Man" from ... that's the Grand. Good? Well, I personally think it lacks something in the mid-section. But, it's a lot better than I'd ever be able to record myself! :D

Posted: 03/10/2005 - 0:46
by sumppi
You can check out my Zoids Revisited, that's Bosendorfer 290 from EastWest on the middle part. My "playing" is awful of course since I can't really play the piano or synths, but the sounds are pretty ok IMHO.

You should check out the new Native Instruments Akoustik Piano too.


Posted: 03/10/2005 - 12:30
by Tonka
Hi Westerling.

The best piano sounds I have heard on VST are 'The Grand' (so named due to it's price?! :lol: ) and the one in the 'Edirol Super Quartet' (which I tend to use more often - The Grand is a bit clunky)...

To be honest, once in a mix, there isn't much between them :)


Posted: 06/10/2005 - 16:08
by westerling
Thanks guys!

I´ve listened carefully to everything you suggested and I think I´ll go for something called "Steinberg Virtual Instrument Collection". The Grand is in there. The Grand may not be the best sounding (although very good), but it is most piano per $. :wink:

As Tosla wrote:
To be honest, once in a mix, there isn't much between them.

I agree. I´ll be using the piano mostly for fattening up the bass registry. I won´t be using the piano for solos so The Grand it´ll be!

Posted: 06/10/2005 - 17:12
by DHS
The Karl Werk Projekt's "The Human Race" features a long piano section done with The Grand.

Posted: 07/04/2006 - 13:10
by gibs
DHS wrote:The Karl Werk Projekt's "The Human Race" features a long piano section done with The Grand.
Wich config to use "the grand" ?

does it need a lot of RAM ?


Posted: 07/04/2006 - 13:35
by DHS
Don't remember, beside the fact i modified the curve of the attack.
Also, i added a lot of "megaverb" from the powercore.

And yes, it's a real CPU hog.

Posted: 07/04/2006 - 14:13
by gibs
DHS wrote:Don't remember, beside the fact i modified the curve of the attack.
Also, i added a lot of "megaverb" from the powercore.

And yes, it's a real CPU hog.
I think it 1.2GB in the DVD.

I don't know what's there in the DVD but if there are only samples and they all need be loaded in memory, it needs a 2GB RAM config...


Posted: 07/04/2006 - 14:26
by Tonka
gibs wrote:
DHS wrote:Don't remember, beside the fact i modified the curve of the attack.
Also, i added a lot of "megaverb" from the powercore.

And yes, it's a real CPU hog.
I think it 1.2GB in the DVD.

I don't know what's there in the DVD but if there are only samples and they all need be loaded in memory, it needs a 2GB RAM config...

Nah - it streams the samples in... I've only got 1gb of RAM & it works fine with me :) There are also a number of options to reduce the CPU load, but even then, it's still a real CPU porker.
