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Reviewers poll

Posted: 22/03/2003 - 13:38
by tas
Out of interest and outr of fun, which reviewer do you take most note of?

(the names below appear as they review more often or have a large database.)

Posted: 22/03/2003 - 20:14
by ifadeo
I think Mahoney writes the best reviews, 'cause he take it form
the musican view... and walk the thin line.... :wink:

... but reviews makes for myself no sense anymore....
too many ppl rapture this feature... :evil:

and I'm not the only one with this point of view....

btw. this is nothing against reviewer's to determine
as above, they doing a fine job... :wink:

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 22/03/2003 - 20:52
by putzi
2Klang wrote: ... but reviews makes for myself no sense anymore....
too many ppl rapture this feature... :evil:
I´d say the contrary: they rape it. ;-)
2Klang wrote: and I'm not the only one with this point of view....
We´re both big fans of Eliot and the rest of the reviewers-newcomers-bunch ;-)

Posted: 22/03/2003 - 21:52
by ifadeo
putzi wrote: We´re both big fans of Eliot and the rest of the reviewers-newcomers-bunch ;-)
no, i have nothing against eliot or the other guys writing reviews...
as i told long before in this forum, i don't take really care about
'cause everyone who does a review has his very own personal taste
and maybe they got a picture of a remix how it has to be....

... but the most remixer got their own style, for example i LIKE rough
minimal mostly electronic stuff like, Fad Gadget, Console, Kraftwerk,
New Order, Front 242(geography rulez), Nitzer Ebb, John Foxx, Bauhaus, Grauzone...ect.ect.

..but i think i got my very own style and remixes are just for fun... :lol:
i don't want to play with the so called 'Big Guys', i'm happy with my
'underdog' status...

maybe i never hit the nerve of the mainstream, find the sounds you
all wanted or doing a high quality digital production like the crap you
hear everyday on air....or see at tv....

less is more

btw. did somebody knows 'Steve Reich's Clapping Hands', they called art... :wink:

Love & Peace 2Klang

p.s. no, i'm not a hippie but in times like today...

p.p.s. i'm sick of superpower politics... :x

Posted: 23/03/2003 - 6:05
by tas
On the contrary, those who base their judgements on taste shouldn't be reviewing. My musical taste is very limited to few people. There are tunes that don't suit my taste which have had great reviews. Reviewing is like music it's an art, you need to seperate yourself from what you like and look at the piece of music for what it is.

I'ts not always about how good the instruments are, or how good the creativeness is.. Sometimes it's down to a concept or a vision. There's a lot in a tune without needing to review it as a biased taste opinion.

Those who make music who do not listen to FEEDBACK stay where they are, they do not improve they do it just for fun. However those who do listen go further. Without mentioning names there's a few people on this scene slowly beginning to get recognised. It's no coincidence that those people are also the people who do take FEEDBACK seriously and do care about opinion. Ofcourse tho, it is a matter of who's FEEDBACK to listen too. Too many people would go into technical aspects of a tune, and not the composition or the choice of sound.

My reviews do not go too much into that, they have to remain breif and to the point. However those who contact me privately do get much needed feedback of this nature.

i suppose it's all to do with what you want, if you want to create music for fun, then thats good, everyone is doing a good job. Those who take it more seriously and those who look further than this, Well personally i have a lot of time for. I admire ambition!

Posted: 23/03/2003 - 8:24
by ifadeo
don't get me wrong neil, you're doing a great job here at remix64...
...and i must admit sometimes i take care of reviews, you can hear the
progress... and i take always care about feedback, as you see in the different threads i wrote...

...but i'm a little bit frustrated about reviews like:

Star Lifter - arranged by Maindrian
REVIEW BY ELIOT (20/03/2003)
Does a distorted guitar makes this tune good? No. It feels like mish-mash, but maybe I am not a real rock fan

okay, i'm not maindrian, but such a review shows a lack of respect...

btw. i've a lot of respect for ppl doing remixes, writing reviews and
those who keep the scene alive....

maybe a project like mine, takes a little more time to satisfied
the different tastes... it's a work in progress project... :wink:

keep up the good work neil, there's nothing wrong with your reviews....

cheers 2Klang

Posted: 23/03/2003 - 9:54
by tas
no disrespect in the above statement pal ofcourse :)

yep we've identified the problem areas, and it will be resolved in due course. Like everything in life, good things come to those who wait!

(but then i've waited 31 years for something good to happen, and i ain't seen much in the way of that ;))


Posted: 23/03/2003 - 10:51
by ifadeo
Neil wrote:...Like everything in life, good things come to those who wait!...
right my friend, this exactly my point of view.... :wink:

maybe the most important thing is the abiltiy to communicate...
again, keep up the good work !!

cheers 2Klang

p.s. if we meet at the bitlive germany, we could have a drink...

Posted: 23/03/2003 - 13:16
by Marcel Donné
2Klang wrote:p.s. if we meet at the bitlive germany, we could have a drink...
What? Just "a" drink? What about many, many ,many drinks? :D

Posted: 23/03/2003 - 16:25
by tas
trying to get the time off work, not very succesful at the moment... but i'll keep fighting the cause :)

Posted: 24/03/2003 - 10:16
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
2Klang wrote:I think Mahoney writes the best reviews, 'cause he take it from
the musican view... and walk the thin line.... :wink:
Well, thanks, Klang-man!

My opinion with reviews? Well, if you're not happy with the reviews other people write, then don't read them! :) Or write your own! Anyhow, words are always better than 16%, 77% or 100%.

Posted: 24/03/2003 - 12:04
by Makke
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote: Anyhow, words are always better than 16%, 77% or 100%.
Exactly, a 16% "vote" doesn't say anything to the arranger. Just that someone didn't like it, but without knowing what was wrong you can't do better the next time.

Reviewing takes time though...