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Guys, please wake up to Jeroen Tel

Posted: 06/11/2005 - 22:51
by grasstust
Alright, we've had Rob Hubbard, Martin Galway and Ben Dagliesh for a long time now, and total respect to this golden trio...

But can we please expand our worshipping to also include Jeroen Tel, PLEASE!?!?

In my opinion he is right up there with Rob, and I was saddened to see him pretty much playing for nobody at the Copenhagen Retro Concert.

I turn to the direction of Netherlands and pray five times a day to you, mr. Tel! ;)

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 3:35
by Sidman 64
Well I agree 100% :wink:
J T is defiantly upthere with Rob Hubbard !!!!!
Jeroen did some amazing stuff on the C64 and this guy was the best for really flair & funky style tracks :)
I think when the next Concert is arranged it should include this guy without doubt !!!!

He did an amazing set at the end of the night, I could not believe that he could still get some amazing sounds out of the C64 and then mix them with some really top dance backing tracks !!!! :wink:

Top guy !!!

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 9:51
by Chris Abbott
The problem is, Jeroen took 8 years to finally participate in the remix scene proper.


Re: Guys, please wake up to Jeroen Tel

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 9:57
by Chris Abbott
grasstust wrote:In my opinion he is right up there with Rob, and I was saddened to see him pretty much playing for nobody at the Copenhagen Retro Concert.
I don't think that was a comment on Jeroen, his skills or his reputation. For Kenz, one of the highlights of the evening was dancing to Jeroen's Monty on the Run dance mashup. A lot of people were there only to watch PPOT.


Posted: 07/11/2005 - 11:00
by grasstust
Hi there, mr. Abbot!

Well, I wasn't criticising the audience. I was more criticising people like you! ;)

The point is, we've now had soooooooo much Hubbard, Galway, Dagliesh tunes, and I think I think it's time that you, PPOT, SID80s and the rest of you guys start playing Jeroen Tel tunes. I'm afraid the classics are really getting worn out. Please expand the musical horizon a bit!

Nice meeting you, btw. (I was the guy who discussed your 1st album and spent too much money on your stuff!)

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 11:08
by beyond
A lot of people were there only to watch PPOT.
I would say that most people bought tickets to see Ben and Rob primarily and then PPOT & SID80s, people didn't know much about VR and nothing at all about AD, but after we told them about the bands, people were very interested---especially in VR.

I have sold about 90 tickets myself, and that is the impression I have :)


Posted: 07/11/2005 - 12:57
by Chris Abbott
grasstust wrote:Hi there, mr. Abbot!
The point is, we've now had soooooooo much Hubbard, Galway, Dagliesh tunes, and I think I think it's time that you, PPOT, SID80s and the rest of you guys start playing Jeroen Tel tunes. I'm afraid the classics are really getting worn out. Please expand the musical horizon a bit!
I'm afraid there is a well documented history behind this: some Jeroen tunes were meant to be appearing on Back in Time 1, but I had to remove them again.

In addition, there has been a potential licencing conflict that applies to his tunes: I'm still not 100% of the legal consequences of that.

Anyway, the lack of Jeroen covers on CD subsequently is a direct result of the problems I experienced getting Back in Time 1 off the ground. Much later on Jeroen filled in some of the background about how he was feeling at that point, but that (and not coming to Back in Time Live, though I did invite him) pretty much resulted in the situation we have now.

There's another aspect to this in that many of his tunes are pretty complete in themselves and don't really need remixing that much. There's no sense that they're trying to be something bigger than they are. I've found those pieces resist new ideas harder than most other musicians.


Posted: 07/11/2005 - 16:58
by madfiddler
grasstust wrote: The point is, we've now had soooooooo much Hubbard, Galway, Dagliesh tunes, and I think I think it's time that you, PPOT, SID80s and the rest of you guys start playing Jeroen Tel tunes. I'm afraid the classics are really getting worn out. Please expand the musical horizon a bit!
You mean 'we' as in 'you' right? From our (SID80s) point of view, we had to do tunes that most of us knew quite well anyway. Having a band who can't rehearse, limits what you can do.

However, you may or may not have noticed that we've worked Think Twice 3 into the set now, and that's not even a game tune. We're going to do more lesser known tracks in the future, if there are any other gigs. We do try to do one new number each time, and we were to do Nemesis this time for the first time, but we were unable to...

In 10 years time we'll have a whole set's worth of material and be able to organise our own gigs, lol.

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 17:03
by Matrix
Now THAT i'll pay to see..... or C, or C= or even CD :D

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 17:44
by grasstust
grasstust wrote: The point is, we've now had soooooooo much Hubbard, Galway, Dagliesh tunes, and I think I think it's time that you, PPOT, SID80s and the rest of you guys start playing Jeroen Tel tunes. I'm afraid the classics are really getting worn out. Please expand the musical horizon a bit!
madfiddler wrote: You mean 'we' as in 'you' right? From our (SID80s) point of view, we had to do tunes that most of us knew quite well anyway. Having a band who can't rehearse, limits what you can do.

However, you may or may not have noticed that we've worked Think Twice 3 into the set now, and that's not even a game tune. We're going to do more lesser known tracks in the future, if there are any other gigs. We do try to do one new number each time, and we were to do Nemesis this time for the first time, but we were unable to...

In 10 years time we'll have a whole set's worth of material and be able to organise our own gigs, lol.
Let's see. "We" as in if you see the amount of remixes and tunes from the coverbands.. There's been a lot of the three golden ones. And I for one love it, but I would like to see other composers being covered aswell. A good example was the response "Giana Sisters" and "Turrican 2" got when Axes Denied played them.

But really, I don't criticise you guys, big nod of respect to you, but a suggestion would be to include a few more masters of noise. And yes, you're right, SID80 did a few other tunes aswell.

Thank you for the concert, btw!

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 18:21
by Chris Abbott
> Guys, please wake up to Jeroen Tel

"It's the Jeroen Tel breakfast radio show" :)

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 18:49
by Phantom66uk
madfiddler wrote:
In 10 years time we'll have a whole set's worth of material and be able to organise our own gigs, lol.
Nah! hopefully in 10 years time you'll release the great stuff to the mainstream public taking over the awful pop charts that we have today :twisted: :)

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 19:10
by madfiddler
grasstust wrote:Let's see. "We" as in if you see the amount of remixes and tunes from the coverbands.. There's been a lot of the three golden ones. And I for one love it, but I would like to see other composers being covered aswell. A good example was the response "Giana Sisters" and "Turrican 2" got when Axes Denied played them.
I do see your point, and take it on board :)

You're welcome btw, had a completely fab time.. even if my legs feel like bricks now ;)

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 21:01
by Andreas Wallström
I suggested a few Tel songs for the SID'80s set in Brighton, like Cybernoid, so hopefully this thread will help when it's time to select new tracks to play next time (hint to Mark ;-)). Tel was a great guy! Really easy going and a fab DJ. I think I enjoyed his set the most (thanks Makke and Kenz for the dance).

SID'80s have done tracks by: Rob Hubbard, Mark Cooksey, Johannes Bjerregaard, Ben Daglish, and Neil Brennan.

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 21:12
by madfiddler
yeah yeah, hint to Mark.... well perhaps hopefully possibly maybe other will be bothered to help work out arrangements. We were really lucky in having Reyn give us a good start!